AI can take away grunge work in India, allow creativity to fly: Arundhati Bhattacharya

AI can take away grunge work in India, allow creativity to fly: Arundhati Bhattacharya

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has a blessing in disguise as it can take away a lot of the grunge or repetitive work in India, and leave people to actually perform more creative work, Arundhati Bhattacharya, CEO and Chairperson for Salesforce India and a former SBI chairperson, has stressed.

Syed Mohamed Beary: A Torch Bearer of Sustainable Development for Last Four Decades

Syed Mohamed Beary: A Torch Bearer of Sustainable Development for Last Four Decades

On a crisp and refreshing Friday morning in August 2009, I had the opportunity to meet Syed Mohamed Beary for the first time at a mosque in Bengaluru right after the Fazr Namaz. The time and place were decided by him for the interview I had asked for as part of our story on top entrepreneurs in India who have made a significant impact on society.

He was a renowned real estate developer in Bengaluru who seemed to have a rare blend of business acumen and personal integrity, setting him apart from others in his fields.

During the interview, he exuded calmness and wisdom. I couldn’t help but be struck by his quiet confidence and, at the same time, the unmistakable presence of spiritualism that kept him grounded and true to his values despite impressive achievements. 

He had given me half an hour for the interview, but as it turned out, I ended up spending the entire time with him until the afternoon Friday prayer. We discussed many things on and off the record, and I finally took his leave, feeling inspired and motivated to strive for excellence in my own life.

In 2013, I was again in Bengaluru to organise the All-India Minorities Business Summit. But despite my best efforts, it was not coming through as planned. A week before the summit, I met Syed Mohamed Beary, disheartened, and informed him that I was planning to call the summit off.

At that time, he advised me not to give up and waste one month of hard work. He told me to redouble my efforts and realise where I was going wrong, as a lot could be done in the one-week time that was left for the summit.

I started convincing entrepreneurs, business people, and professionals with renewed enthusiasm and belief. In just a week, things turned around for me. The summit was held successfully, with as many as 175 representatives of different organisations from India and abroad turning up for the congregation.

When I look back, I believe that summit’s success gave a new lease of life and direction to my endeavours, and much credit for this goes to Syed Mohamed Beary because if not for him, my plans could have fallen through.

The cover story in this edition is my tribute to that noble soul who is always willing to extend his helping hand to needy ones. The story covers the whole range of work he has been doing as a real estate developer in the field of “green and sustainable development” as well as his efforts in educational entrepreneurship to uplift the downtrodden. The story also sheds light on his life journey and how he overcame obstacles to make an impact in society.

Also in this edition is an insightful piece by Frank J Islam from the US on how the recent tech layoff there could affect the H1-B workers and the Indian economy. Additionally, there is an article examining whether Urdu journalism is declining in India. At the same time, an uplifting story showcases a Kashmiri youth’s effective use of social media in the promotion of the Kashmiri language.

Another report covers a daylong meeting of dignitaries in Bhatkal discussing Taqwa Credit Cooperative Society. This Sharia-compliant and interest-free banking unit has successfully operated in Bhatkal and is now planning to expand to other parts of India, starting with the southern states. 

Besides all that, this new edition is packed with numerous other fascinating stories, news, reports, and viewpoints that you might consider important.

As the diverse content of this month’s edition is set to captivate you, we eagerly look forward to hearing from you with your valuable insights, thoughts, and reflections. So, enjoy reading, but don’t hesitate to write back to us.  


People and Planet Before Profit…

Syed Mohamed Beary: A Torch Bearer of Sustainable Development for Last Four Decades

By Danish Reyaz | Maeeshat | Mumbai

Mangalore, a throbbing port city in Karnataka, is well-known for its pristine seabeaches, beautiful monuments, delicious cuisines, and diverse culture. At the same time, the city is known for its sizeable Muslim population comprising different ethnic communities, of which the Beary community is most prominent.

The Beary community traces its root to Arab merchants who settled in coastal south India in the early seventh century. Because of their ancestry, the community has been in trade and business for a long time. This business community is not solely concentrated in Mangalore but also scattered to different parts of Karnataka and elsewhere in the country.

The community has produced many eminent people, and Syed Mohamed Beary is one of them- a successful real estate entrepreneur and developer currently based in Bengaluru.

He is the Founder & Chairman of Bearys Group, a leading construction group in Bengaluru credited with having built many platinum-rated buildings and completed several high-profile projects across the country and abroad.

Mr. Beary is also environmentally conscious, unlike many builders and realtors who often flout environmental norms in completing a project. He has been a champion of sustainable and green development showing exemplary regard for environmental conservation.

Besides, and perhaps most importantly, Mr. Beary is a socially aware entrepreneur with a strong commitment to the upliftment of the poor and downtrodden. He runs a group of educational institutions in and around Bengaluru and Mangalore, providing world-class education, and thus shaping the future of the youth, especially the poor.

Mr. Beary’s achievements and impact on society are worth admiring, more so because he was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He is a self-made man thanks to his sheer hard work and steadfast belief in the Almighty.Here is an inspiring story of his success and his unflinching commitment to people and the planet.

Birth and Childhood

Mr. Breary was born into a poor family on July 28, 1956, in Kudapur, a coastal village in Udipi district, 55 km south from Bhatkal in Karnataka. His father used to earn only Rs. 362 a month, doubling as an Imam (priest) and a teacher. With that meagre income, it was a never-ending struggle to take care of his children, whowere thirteen of them.

Mr. Beary was good at studies, but the financial problem was getting in the way. Yet, he continued till 7th grade. When he was in the 7th grade, an unfortunate incident happened. One of his cousins, who was very dear to him, died. It greatly affected his young mind, which was already disturbed seeing the financial difficulties at home. Thereupon, Mr. Beary couldn’t concentrate on his studies and missed his annual exam. And one day, without telling anybody, he took a bus to Mumbai in quest of some work to contribute to his family’s income. Thus, he became a school dropout without life giving him a second chance to return to school.

Became Evolved and Knowledgeable Man

It is difficult to believe that Mr. Beary, a distinguished businessman, who builds corporate offices, runs schools and colleges, handles hundreds of employees, deals with officials, politicians, and corporate honchos on every day basis and gives speeches in chaste English, could actually be a school dropout.

He has developed himself impressively despite missing out on formal education. He never let it affect his thirst for knowledge and desire to evolve. “Life is the biggest school.” Mr. Beary says. “Every new day brings a new lesson. It is up to us to detect that lesson and learn from it.”

He reveals even though he stopped going to school, he never stopped learning. Be it religious or modern education; he kept learning all by himself alongside doing his work.

With his efforts, he has grown into a man of knowledge with rich insight into various issues and topics concerning our life, religion, society, and the world. These intellectual enhancements in his life are achieved alongside his impressive business skills and professional competence.

Pursuit and Perseverance

Mr. Beary reminisces about the day when he took the bus to Mumbai. He says he didn’t know then what that journey would entail, but he was hopeful that something good would come out of it.

Hijrat (Migration) has its blessings from God. It can change life for the better. Plus, it is the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet. Had I not migrated, perhaps my life wouldn’t have transformed,” says Mr. Beary.

According to him after migrating to Mumbai he started doing odd jobs that came his way. Financial rewards were much less for the hard work he was doing, but he didn’t lose heart as he exercised Sabar (patience).

Sabar has an important element in Islamic theology as Quran says the Almighty, Allah is with those who are patient in the face of problems and adversities. However, Mr. Beary slightly differs regarding what Sabar, an Arabic word, actually means.

He cites one of the early translators of the Quran, Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall, who translated Sabar as perseverance. Mr. Beary passionately says, “Sabar doesn’t mean exercising patience only, leaving the matter to God. On the contrary, Sabar means striving continuously to change difficult situations with grit and resilience.”

Guided by that philosophy, Mr. Beary never abandoned the hope for a better tomorrow during his struggle in Mumbai. He was constantly looking for opportunities to increase his earnings so that he could help his family back home. And in his persistent quest, one day he got the opportunity to go to Muscat, the capital of Oman.

During those days, finding a chance to go to Gulf countries was a big thing. Mr. Beary grabbed it from both hands. There he started with ordinary work but soon managed to get employment in a big oil company.

Mr. Beary says that getting a job at the oil company was a big leap on his path to a good career. He used to get Rs. 23,000 as a monthly salary, a large amount in those times. “More than the good salary,” he says, “my job at the company provided an opportunity to learn the ropes of the business. The business skills and acumen I have developed today have much to do with my job at that oil company.”

The Homecoming

With good earnings and the happiness of helping the family, Mr. Beary was having a good time in Muscat. He had dreams and determination to do well further in the land of fortunes. But he was also a young man, and family members back home wanted him to get married.

So, as per the family’s wish in 1976, Mr. Beary was married to a girl in his native place. It was one of the happiest moments in his life. But soon, misfortune struck, and it snatched his loving father from him as the former died in 1980.

Mr. Beary says it was a time for reflection. On the one hand, he had responsibilities towards his wife and children who were in India; on the other, his soul was anguished after his father’s demise.

After much consideration, Mr. Beary decided to move back to India as he began to dislike living away from his loved ones. “It was a tough call leaving Muscat because I wasn’t sure what to do after returning to India. However, I knew I would make good of any opportunity I get or create if I work hard,” says Mr. Beary.

Starting All Over Again

After returning to India, Mr. Beary took some time vacillating between a few options to get started. He also didn’t have much capital to invest by now. So, finally, in 1981, he decided to be a real estate agent. However, there was one problem. It was a field known for alleged corruption.

Mr. Beary says, “At first, I thought I would be a misfit for this profession, but then I committed myself to work on my terms without compromising my values. And Alhamdulillah, today, I have given a new direction to this profession.”

People who happen to know Mr. Beary vouch for his honesty and moral uprightness. He says he never looked for a shortcut in life because once someone takes that route, they start compromising and embracing dishonest ways.

Mr. Beary founded Bearys Group in 1981 and with it his humble journey started. Ferrying around the city on an ordinary scooter to meet with clients and visit sites became the everyday norm. Hopes and heartbreaks in business dealings became part of life. But the show went on.

In two years of hard work, Mr. Beary managed a profit of seven hundred fifty rupees. It was surely not much, but it gave him happiness and the impetus to keep going. He says, in 1986, he succeeded in arranging lands for various multinational companies such as IBM, Motorola, etc. It resulted in good financial gain and, at the same time, provided him recognition in his field.

Making a Leap of Faith

Mr. Beary kept floating amid the highs and lows of the market by dint of his hard work. However, in 1992 when the market revived, many overseas companies also threw their hat in this field, increasing the competition.At this time, Mr. Beary took a bold decision to tryhis luck in Construction and Development. Mr. Beary tells a fascinating story about the first project his company undertook.

He says that they could find three-acre land in Mangalore where they planned to build 120 flats. But the problem was it called for a massive investment of around 18 crores, whereas he only had 1 lakh rupees.

Any normal businessman would have developed cold feet because of the vast insufficiency of fund. Even so, Mr. Beary ventured into his maiden project. “I have unwavering faith in God. Without his grace, nothing is possible. It was only his blessing that with such little initial fund, we could complete the project.” Mr. Beary says, “In the gratitude of the Almighty, we aptly named the project His Grace Residential Villament.”

Up next, Mr. Beary took up the Green Orchard project in Domlar, Bengaluru, a housing society containing around 40 flats, completed in 1995 and remarkably without cutting down a single tree.More projects followed, and Bearys Group’s caravan started moving on in its new endeavours.

bearys project

Pioneering Design-Build-Deliver Model

There are some differentiating features that make Bearys Group stand out in competition. With time it has mastered the art of completing projects in the Design-Build-Deliver (DBD) model, taking all accountability from start to finish.

Since all aspects of a project come under the complete ownership of Bearys Group, the project sees no hold-ups at any stage and construction work moves at a quick pace, resulting in cost savings.

Mr. Beary says, “The DBD model has several advantages for the clients. Given that projects are completed at a seamless pace and delivered with a reduced timeline, it enables our clients to put the projects to use and monetise them sooner than expected.”

Thanks to a four-decade experience and vast expertise, Bearys Group ensures the best environment-friendly design with great practicality and high aesthetics. Moreover, the whole process goes through a stringent quality check.

Green Architecture and Sustainable Development

The UN Climate Conference at Glasgow in 2021, in which India was a signatory, pressed the alarm button about the rising Green House Gas emission, creating environmental havoc in the form of climate change.

To the total Green House Gas (GHG) emission, buildings and rapid urbanisation contribute 40 percent, which will only increase in the coming years.

So, there is a dire need to reduce GHG emissions by shifting to renewable energy. Mr. Beary says, “For that, we are already geared up. More than 80 percent of energy requirements in all our projects are fulfilled by renewable energy.”

The Bearys Global Research Triangle (BGRT) in Whitefield in Bengaluru and BadariyaJuma Masjid at Kodi are two shining examples of Net Zero Building, which meet 90 percent of the energy requirement from Green Energy while some other projects await similar certifications from Indian Green Building Council (IGBC),bearys project

IGBC, a part of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), is dedicated to enabling a sustainable built environment for all and facilitating India to become one of the global leaders in the sustainable built environment by 2025.

Mr. Beary, a senior fellow of CII-IGBC since 2015, also happens to be the Chairman of the IGBC- Bengaluru chapter; no wonder, for his excellent credentials and commitment towards green architectures and sustainable development.

Mr. Beary says that Bearys Group has strictly adhered to environmental norms since its inception. All the buildings by the group have the hallmark of sustainable green architecture.

“In our projects, we don’t cut down trees,use renewable energy, and ensure our buildings receive ample sunlight during the day to minimize electricity use. At the same time, we don’t cause damage or injury to the environment as we segregate and recycle discarded wastes,” says Mr. Beary.

This approach of Bearys Group also ensures design diversity. Its projects are uniquely designed with state-of-the-art technology to meet green architecture and sustainability principles. For example, Bearys Harmony Homes, one of the group’s early projects, has about a hundred flats but features forty flexible designs.

Mr. Beary proudly says, “We are perhaps the first developer in India to have six Platinum IGBC-rated projects.” Platinum rating is awarded by IGBC for a project addressing all aspects related to environment and green features under different categories.

Mr. Beary further adds, “Scores of our projects have won several awards and certifications from national and international organisations in various categories for our committed efforts to mitigate our buildings’ harmful impact on the environment.”

bearys project

Venturing into New Areas of Entrepreneurship 

It is essential to scale and expand in any business endeavour, constantly adapting to the changing trends and technologies to gain a competitive edge over others. Bearys Group has done the same.

From a real estate agency four decades ago, it has transformed into a vertically integrated property development company and total real estate solutions provider that takes care of every aspects: design, development, construction, management, marketing, as well as consultancy.

In addition to being Bengaluru’s ‘first total real estate provider,’ Bearys Group has forayed, with much success, into new businesses such as Retail & Dealer Partnerships, Interior Solutions. Managed Offices, Investment, Hospitality, IT and Global Enterprises, etc.

“The level of expertise, experience, and brand cachet we enjoy has allowed us to succeed and delight our customers and clients in all our new ventures thanks to our quality of service and delivery,” says Mr. Beary.

The leading real estate group is truly diverse in its services. With an extensive network of specialists and their technical know-how, it is equipped to meet the complex needs of high-profile clients, including corporates, government agencies, MNCs, and individuals in India and abroad.

bearys project

“So far Bearys Group has designed and delivered 4000+ homes and apartments and over 5 million sq. ft. of commercial space including Corporate Offices, IT Parks, R&D Centres, Lab Facilities, Data Centres, Educational Campuses and over a million sq. ft. of mall space,” says Mr. Beary.

Numerous structures and buildings erected by Bearys Group are undoubtedly environment-friendly, intricate in detail, and high in quality. Moreover, they are also known for beautiful aesthetics catching everybody’s fancy.

Here are some of the engineering marvels that remarkably bring to the fore the expertise, experience, and leadership of Bearys Group, in developing architecturally significant, resource-efficient, and sustainable green buildings in the large-scale project categories.

Beary Education

Bearys Global Research Triangle (BGRT)

Bearys Global Research Triangle (BGRT) is the most seminal work of the Bearys Group. A world-class, high-technology research enclave built on a 21-acre land in the proximity of ITPL, Whitefield, Bengaluru, BGRT is modelled on Research Triangle Park (RTP), North Carolina, USA.

The elegantly designed and highly advanced R&D centre is India’s first LEED Platinum Research Park and recipient of numerous other awards, setting benchmarks in green architecture and sustainable development in the country.

It comprises five research towers and offers expansive and flexible spaces for top businesses and IT solutions. It is a place where great minds meet, collaborate, and develop breakthrough products and services.

Mr. Beary says, “Instead of a regular building, we thought of making a building geared towards R&D and lab requirements with fewer columns and more open space as well as greenery-filled surrounding for a calming effect. The structure and architecture of the building speak for themselves while being completely integrated.”

Bearys Education

NTT (Japan) Data Centre 

With the increase in IT systems complexity, such as the emergence of cloud computing, Data Centres that store and process data for organisations have also evolved in design and security.

Over the years, Bearys Group has established itself as one of the leading Data Centre providers in the country as it understands the paramount need of the companies to keep their data supply seamless and safe with expert hardware handling in a highly secure place.

Built on a 1.4 million sq. ft. area and adjacent to the BGRT in Bengaluru, the NTT (Japan) Data Centre (previously NetMagic Data Centre) is an example of Bearys Group’s competency in building critical infrastructures with impregnable security.

Alongside the constant surveillance and multiple-layer security checks, the robust building has double-drop flat slab system construction. It is also protected with tall boundary walls with barbed wire for external security.

Following stringent quality, a lot of value engineering, and timely delivery, Bearys Group completed this first data centre in record time to the client’s delight.

Mr. Beary says, “Instead of short-term benefit, I prefer long-term partnership in all my business endeavours.” This faith-based relationship has led to many more data centre projects for the Bearys Group, including a Second Data Centre in Bengaluru and an NTT Data Centre, each in Navi Mumbai and Chennai.

In addition, the lasting partnership with NTT has also resulted in the development of a high-security Cable Landing Point (CLP) where a submarine or other underwater cable makes landfall in Chennai.

Bearys City Centre, Shivmogga

One of the most happening places in Shivmogga, Karnataka, the Bearys City Centre has a lot to offer the public. The mall is massive and futuristically designed, having well-carved-out spaces for shopping, cinemas, dining, and much more.

Developed on the Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) model with Shivmogaa City Municipal Corporation, the shopping mall is the proud recipient of the Best Shopping Mall award from CREDAI.

Mr. Bearys says that the mall has the advantage of drawing large footfall for its central location in the city and its expansiveness (5,50,000 sq. ft) for accommodating everything for a world-class shopping mall.

Bearys Lakeside Habitat, Bengaluru

The Bearys Lakeside Habitat, often called “Twin-Towers”, constructed by Bearys Group, is an ideal residential destination for people seeking a chic urban lifestyle.

An example of the finest architecture, the Bearys Lakeside Habitat hosts apartments epitome of luxury and elegance. The two towers are connected by a beautiful mid-level bridge, providing the building with fantastic utility.

“In 2007, when the Bearys Lakeside Habitat was inaugurated, it was the tallest building in the south India with 26 storeys,” says Mr. Beary.

The building offers an amazing view of the surrounding greenery and the nearby Hebbal lake and is located enroute to Bengaluru international airport. The project is the winner of the FIABIC Prix of Excellence Award, alongside several other awards.

Bearys Valencia, Mangalore

Bearys Valencia is Mangalore’s first luxury green homes project spread over 120,000 sq. ft. in Kankanady, in an up-scale locality with a great neighbourhood and easy accessibility to city roads.

The single-building project completed in 2009 hosts 36 units equipped with all modern-day amenities and luxury. Valencia which boasts twin awards from CREDAI is built with innovative ‘green’ features in harmony with the environment.

Mr. Bearys says that Bearys Valencia offers villas and apartments in the perfect combination of contemporary architecture and features for content and comfortable living.

Bearys Turning Point, Mangalore

Located at Derlakatte, Mangalore, Bearys Turning Point is a major residential project, covering a 700,000 sq. ft area enveloped by green surroundings and having access to all major city zones.

Bearys Turning Point has integrated the development design concept with residential apartments, studio units, a shopping mall, food courts, entertainment zones etc.

Moreover, it is nearby Mangalore University, Infosys Campus, and a few medical colleges, further adding to the convenience of the property.

Moreover, it is nearby Mangalore University, Infosys Campus, and a few medical colleges, further adding to the convenience of the property.

Mr. Beary says that Bearys Turning Point is the first-of-its-kind lifestyle project, combining a modern multilevel neighbourhood with vibrant, integrated development built in a climate-sensitive sustainable architecture. He adds, “It houses South India’s first student accommodation and is the recipient of twin awards from CREDAI.”

Bearys Harmony Homes, Bengaluru

Because of both inner and outer aesthetics, this residential project conspicuously stands out in Hennur, HRBR layout, a central residential area in Bengaluru. The project is divided into two blocks with a total of 100 homes with 40 different designs. A bridge connects the two blocks, a design element also carried forward to the Bearys Lakeside Habitat.

The flats in society are meticulously designed to suit changing trends and lifestyles. At the same time, its green architecture as a whole speaks for itself for its complete harmony with the environment. Like any other building of Bearys Group, Harmony Homes also has several awards to its credit, including the prestigious IIA 2005.

The projects mentioned above are only a few in the vast repertoire of Bearys Group. There are lot more other notable projects such as The Acacia Lake View, an upscale limited edition designer condos society beside the Ulsoor lake, Bengaluru; Bearys Green Avenue, amid lush green surroundings in Mr. Beary’s hometown Kundapur, Udipi; and Bearys Cul-de-Sac, another luxurious residential project, in the central Bengaluru which proudly hold the flag of Bearys Group’s fame, prominence, trustworthiness.

Many of the Bearys Group residential projects have also come up in the cities like Mumbai and Chennai as part of the group’s pan India initiative. Furthermore, upcoming top projects like the development of Campuses, R&D Labs, Corporate Offices, IT Parks, etc., will take Bearys Group’s reputation to a different new level under Mr. Beary’s stewardship.

Bearys Education: Taking Forward the Legacy

Wealth brings responsibilities towards society. Successful people turn towards different social endeavours when they are well-established and have disposable income. However, this was different with Mr. Beary. Even when he struggled to make ends meet in Bengaluru at the beginning of his career, he took the cudgel to provide affordable and quality education, especially to the children from the poor sections.

Mr. Beary says that it all started with a phone call he received from his brother in 1981, who informed him that the school where his father used to teach had received a notice for closure on the grounds of an abysmal number of students (four, to be exact).

Mr. Beary, at that time, had only Rs. 32,000 in total as bank balance or cash in hand. He rushed back to the village to save the school and his forefathers’ legacy. The school was built in 1906 on the land bequeathed by his great-grandfather, Kote Sufi Saheb. It was later taken care of by his father Haji K MohidinBeary.

The first task before Mr. Beary was to increase the enrolment of students and the strength of teachers, which had dwindled to only two by then. Moreover, the aging dilapidated school building was crying for repair.

While the last two things were in his hand, the first task to draw in students was a tough challenge. Mr. Beary realised that without winning back people’s confidence, this would not be possible. So, he and his brother Haji Master Mahmood started knocking on doors in the village to convince parents to send their children to school.

His efforts bore fruits, and the strength of the schools began to rise. He even motivated students and teachers to work hard. As a result, the results of the school started improving year by year.

After stabilising the school, Mr. Beary felt the need to do more in the education sector, which was in a sorry state of affairs in Kudi. The children of well-to-do families had access to education somehow, but the children from the marginalised sections were largely remaining out of school.

Mr. Beary thought if the number of institutions increases, it will lead to more students getting into the ambit of formal education. So, he decided to establish Haji K MohidinBeary Educational Trust, which opened the gates to establishing more educational institutions.

Starting from the one old school, today Mr. Beary takes pride in a total of 22 educational institutions spread in Kodi, Mangalore, and Bengaluru, providing world-class education starting from primary to college levels. About 5,000+ students are studying, and 20,000+ alumni are spread nationally and internationally.

One of the alumni, Ganesh Pujari, the VP of Administration and HR Services at the prestigious Lodha Group, adjudged as one of the top 100 great people managers of India in 2020, hails from Kodi, Kundapur. He says that if not for Mr. Beary he wouldn’t have achieved anything in life.

Ganesh Pujari was a primary dropout, but Mr. Beary convinced his parents to send him back to school. He says he was from the first batch of students from Haji K MoidinBeary High School to pass out.

Ganesh Pujari goes on, recalling, “Mr. Beary was the bedrock of the school. He used to visit our school every month and find out our difficulties and instruct the teachers to sort them out. Truly, his encouragement and guidance prepared us for life besides exams.”

The story Ganesh Pujari shared is one of the many examples demonstrating Mr. Beary’s passion and commitment to the cause of education. Thanks to the latter’s leadership, Bearys Group of Institutions has grown by leaps and bounds, establishing several educational institutions, including schools, colleges, polytechnic etc. Below are mentioned some of the premium educational institutions run by Bearys Group.

Bearys Institute of Technology (BIT)

The Bearys Institute of Technology (BIT) is situated 5 km from the Mangalore University campus at Konle amidst abundant flora and fauna. The college also falls near the bank of the Netravathi River, adding to its scenic beauty.

It came into existence in 2009 as part of the ambition of Mr. Beary to provide higher technical education to youth. “We already had several schools, a pre-university college and a first-grade college. So, there was a need to complement that with a degree-level college for higher studies. We felt it prudent to start with a technical college for the employability potential of technical courses,” says Mr. Beary.

In terms of courses, the BIT has four-year Bachelor of Engineering (BE) degree programmes covering Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering etc. On the other hand, the two-year post-graduate programmes include Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering (Machine Design). Interestingly, the college also runs PhD research programmes in Mechanical Engineering, Physics, and Mathematics.

If that is not all, there are add-on new generational courses like Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Data Analytics, etc. The institute is approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and is affiliated with Visesvaraya Technical University.

The college has competent and experienced faculty, top-notch facilities, and modern labs. As a result, the students benefit from quality learning. Moreover, the college has an excellent placement cell that leaves no stone unturned to secure a placement for students, which is improving every year.

Bearys Envo-Architecture Design School (BEADS) 

The Bearys Envo-Architecture Design School (BEADS) is another flagship institution from Bearys Group that contributes substantially to the field of architecture and design by churning out brilliant architectures.

Mr. Beary says, “The school was established in 2015, sensing the industry’s pressing need for good architectures who also could support our different endeavours.”

The curriculum at BEADS has a pragmatic approach emphasizing groundwork, site, and workspace visits combined with solid theoretical knowledge. It is designed to prepare students to handle on-site practical challenges and make them proficient with emerging architectural trends and techniques.

But the most noteworthy thing about BEADS is nurturing a strong bond between students and nature. The school creates passionate students about Green Architecture and Sustainable Development & Design. Not to mention environmental consciousness is embedded in the school’s name.

BEADS is located adjacent to BIT in the same plot of land in the lap of the same scenic greenery and peaceful atmosphere, ideal for focused learning.

The modern fully-equipped school in terms of studio learning, computer-aided design facilities, high-quality working spaces, and workshops is aided by a highly experienced faculty abreast with contemporary design approaches.

BEADS is approved by the Council of Architecture (COA) and affiliated with Visvesvaraya Technological University.

Bearys Institute of Technology (BIT) Polytechnic

Bearys Institute of Technology (BIT) Polytechnic was introduced in 2013 to meet the diverse needs of students from various backgrounds. “Those students who are not financially strong and need to earn early in life are covered through our Polytechnic Diploma courses,” says Mr. Beary.

The special three-year diploma programme at BIT is one of the best in the industry as it is geared towards the comprehensive enhancement of students’ abilities in theory and practical.

Mr. Beary informs that after completing the course, fully-equipped students can explore their opportunities in the job market or opt for further upgradation to the BE programme through lateral entry.

Bearys Pre-University College

To enrich the knowledge and competence of students before they enter higher education, Mr. Beary founded Bearys Pre-University College in 2001 at Kudi, Kundapur.

The college provides two-year courses to students in Arts, Commerce, and Science streams with the help of highly expert faculty in an intellectual environment equipped with all facilities and equipment.

Mr. Beary says, “The college aims to promote academic excellence and create socially sensitive students committed to the cause of the marginalised and less fortunate ones in society.”

Bearys First Grade Collge

Established in 2005 at Kodi, Kundapura, the Bearys First Grade College is another shining addition to the Bearys Group of Institutions offering undergraduate degree education in Arts, Commerce, and Management.

The education provided here is aimed at the overall development of the students so they can flourish in their career paths. The students hugely benefit from various programmes such as personality development, arts & cultural initiatives, community work, and environmental awareness.

Bearys College of Education

As much as society needs a good education, it also needs competent teachers.  Mr. Beary knows it and hence has established Bearys College of Education to create the best teachers and in good numbers.

The Bearys College of Education provides qualitative professional courses, offering a Bachelor’s Degree in Education (B.Ed) and Diploma Education (D. El. Ed) to make aspiring teachers into world-class teaching experts equipped with innovative teaching and learning techniques.

Mr. Beary says, “One can know the quality of education of our college from the fact that since inception, it has achieved three consecutive ranks from Mangalore University.”

Bearys Seaside Public School

Amidst scenic beauty and serene seaside view, the Bearys Seaside Public School, built in 1995-96, is offering quality education to the rural areas of Kodi, Kundapura.

From L.K.G to standard X, the CBSE-affiliated school has over 500 students who get all-inclusive value-based education and ample exposure to extracurricular activities such as arts, drawing, music, karate, yoga, and creative arts.

The school boasts of an excellent academic record over the years and is equipped with myriad facilities, including a vast playground with various sports activities, a well-stocked library, a modern laboratory, and a central computing center.

Bearys Public School

Another school that has been doing exceedingly well in providing education from nursery to class X is the Bearys Public School, built in 2000 in Mangalore.

In pursuit of the holistic growth of students, the school uses the best curriculum program that also emphasizes the growth of students’ non-academic faculties through several outdoor and indoor activities.

Taught by the best of the faculty, the students at Bearys Public School have access to the best facilities to flourish in their education and remain a step ahead in the competition.

His Grace Montessori- House of Children

Away from the beaten track, His Grace Montessori- House of Children in Udupi, which started in 2015, is a unique way to teach students in their formative years.

It is designed to educate students through self-driven activities, hands-on learning, and collaborative play, ideal for unlocking their full potential to develop them into fine adult human beings.

With a particular focus on making them aware of values and relationships, the highly skilled staff do their utmost to enhance children’s innate abilities. In doing so, they employ various scientific techniques and engage in child-specific activities through child-centered learning methodologies.

Mr. Beary says, “The motto behind this form of education is to give wings to children’s dreams for the future in keeping with their interest and liking.”

Other Educational Institutions

Besides the above-mentioned notable institutions, Mr. Beary also runs various other schools dedicated to the educational upliftment of the poor in Kodi, Kudapura, including the Government Lower Primary School and Government Higher Primary School, affiliated with the state government board.

Also, there is a computer training center at Kodi to help train youth in computer education, a modern-day necessity to keep pace with the world.

At the same time, Mr. Beary has a special arrangement for his workers who can leave their babies and toddlers under the supervision of trained staff at the creche facility in Mangalore.

An institute for training health professionals is also planned to come up in Bengaluru. Named the Bearys Institute of Health Sciences, it will likely be operational soon, providing various courses in Pharmacy, Nursing, and Physiotherapy.

Bearys Shiksha and Suraksha Fund (BSSF)

Mr. Beary is quite considerate towards his employees. Bearys Shiksha Suraksha Fund (BSSF) is a commendable initiative from him to help his employees fund the educational expenses of their children.

Mr. Beary says, “Our employees are common people; so it is our duty to see that their children don’t lag behind in life in want of good education.”

Under the BSSF scheme, employees are encouraged to contribute voluntarily to the BSSF account from their salaries. Then a matching contribution equal to the staff contribution is added to the account by the management. The total amount then is utilised towards meeting the educational expenses of their children. Thousands of Bearys Group employees have hugely benefited from this scheme so far in furthering the educational dreams of their children.

A Man with Liberal Religious Outlook

Mr. Beary is a smart-looking man with a moderate size beard on his face that doesn’t give him a categoric religious identity. But he is rooted in religious values and remains a passionate advocate of peace and brotherhood.

A man of the 21st century Mr. Beary is guided by a scientific temper, rational outlook, and modern thoughts, all in harmony with his religious belief system.

According to him, religion and science are not at variance with each other, but they are complementary for the peace and prosperity of humankind.  He says, “Instead of making me orthodox or narrow-minded, my religion has played its part in broadening my mind and liberating my soul.”

However, Mr. Beary feels the pain when he sees people mindlessly fighting and casting aspersions in the name of religion. He cites the example of his religion, Islam, which is painted in a bad light following a deliberate and concerted campaign against it. However, he advocates Sabar and forgiveness so that the tussle is not escalated further.

He says it is a tough time, but Muslims should not become reactive and instead answer their critics intellectually, depicting the true nature of Islam. More than becoming a practising Muslim only in terms of Namaz, Roza, and Zakat, Muslims should also care to become a practising Muslim in terms of Khulush and Ikhlaq, which our religion mandatorily teaches.

In addition, we must learn to keep pace with the worldly system and not be stubborn to embrace change. We must present Islam in the best of light through our deeds so that the negative perception of our religion is dispelled.

Mr. Beary’s desire to showcase Islam in the right and contemporary way, having all its core values intact, can be seen in a few of his works that have a connection with Islam. Whether it is the green mosque at Kodi, the Arabic school in Mangalore, or the Calligraphy school in Bengaluru, they all reflect the modern and progressive outlook of Mr. Beary.

BadariyaJuma Masjid in Kodi

Mr. Beary’s forefathers were pious Muslims who built mosques for the common public to offer Namaz. His great-grandfather built the first mosque in Kundapur close to 100 years ago. The mosque was built from the money the old man had saved to go for Haj, who, unfortunately, couldn’t make it because he failed to obtain medical clearance from the government because of poor health.

The second mosque at Kundapur was built by Mr. Beary’s late father with the help of the villagers about 55 years back. Mr. Beary says going to that mosque and spending time in the elders’ companionship has profoundly affected him. He says that whatever little he has learned about piety, cleanliness, human values, and universal brotherhood came from that mosque.

But the mosque was small, and with the population growing, it became uncomfortable for Namazis as a lot of heat would get entrapped inside. Mr. Beary brought into play his expertise as India’s leading green building developer. He transformed it into the world’s first green mosque.

The material and the design of the mosque is geared towards minimum heat generation. The outer walls have a net pattern design with maximum outlets to let in sufficient wind and light but minimum heat.

Moreover, the use of Chinese mosaic, frost fans, and wind scoop keeps the mosque cool and well-ventilated. As a result, Namazis inside the mosque experience an airy, roomy, and bright ambience to focus on their prayers comfortably.

The green mosque utilizes solar and wind energy for power and electricity. At the same time, it is ensured that there is no wastage of water or any harm done to the environment. Heartening to note a few odd coconut trees have not been chopped down during construction but incorporated inside the mosque structure.

The extensive detailing in making the mosque green and sustainable is one part of it; the other part is its modern aesthetics. The mosque sports an alluring contemporary look that doesn’t reflect a strict Islamic design in terms of domes and minarets yet keeps the traditional essence of a mosque intact.

According to Mr. Beary, they haven’t consciously used green colour identified with Islam in or outside the mosque. Instead, there is white paint all around, and even the exquisite calligraphy has a white hue, providing a differentiating look. At the same time, the mosque uses local laterite stone at the front to give it a traditional touch.

Mr. Beary says, “Our efforts were to make the mosque identifiable with the modern face of Islam as well as sustainability. I am happy that we achieved our objective. Besides, the mosque is a fantastic specimen of green architecture.”

Iqra Arabic School

Iqra Arabic School was an outcome of intense deliberation on imparting religious teachings without neglecting worldly education. With this noble aim, the Iqra Arabic school was established in 1998 in Mangalore, where hundreds of students are receiving education in the Arabic medium; however, at the same time, these students are getting fully conversant in English and can surprise anybody with their knowledge vis-a-vis any regular English medium school going student.

Mr. Beary says, “The idea behind the school was it should be different from the traditional Madrasa to provide Islamic teachings alongside modern education that includes science, mathematics, languages, etc.” 

The Iqra Arabic School has proved to be a model school for Muslim children, providing strong moral and ethical teachings and following a high-standard academic curriculum. The students have the best of both worlds in this bilingual English-Arabic setup.

Besides theological courses like Alim and Hifzul Quran, students have the advantage of a wide range of extracurricular activities, well-equipped computer labs, digital classrooms, technical knowledge, and learning public speaking skills.

Institute of Indo-Islamic Art and Culture (IIIAC)

Apart from his fervent desire that the world sees Islam in the positive way it deserves, Mr. Beary also has a keen interest in Islamic calligraphy, an age-old, aesthetically pleasing art of writing Arabic and Urdu scripts. He genuinely wants to revive this art from neglect and indifference.

He believes writing verses of the Quran and Hadiths (sayings of the prophet Mohammed) in calligraphical forms is Sawab-e-Jariya (continuous source of reward).

So, when Mukhtar Ahmed, an internationally renowned calligrapher, approached Mr. Beary, the latter didn’t waste any time and agreed to found the Institute of Indo-Islamic Art and Culture (IIIAC) in Bengaluru.

With Mukhtar Ahmed at the helm, since 2010, the institute has been training thousands of students and professionals from varied backgrounds and age groups in Arabic calligraphy.

“You don’t have to be a Muslim to learn the art of calligraphy. A good number of students are from abroad such as Japan and they aren’t Muslim,” says Mr. Beary.

The fact that even international students are part of the institute speaks volumes about its growing international recognition for the high standards set by it in Islamic calligraphy.

Mukhtar Ahmed says, “Mr. Beary is a true aficionado of Islamic calligraphy and the guiding force behind IIIAC. If not for him, our efforts to rejuvenate the dying art form would not have seen the light.”

bearys project

Bearys Amanah Investments Private Ltd

Bearys Group, from the beginning, has stuck to Shariah principles on finance that prohibit interest-based earnings. Internal accruals, pre-selling, private equity, and foreign institutional funding are how the group finances all its activities to avoid interest-based debts in a heavily capital-intensive industry.

Mr. Beary felt the need to set up an investment management company Bearys Amanah, governed by the Sharia laws on finance in 2007. The company has floated Bearys India Realty Sharia Fund, the country’s first Shariah-compliant foreign investment in real estate.

Mr. Beary says, “Everything has become interest-driven nowadays. But still, we can avoid it, grow in our own ways, and inspire others. Bearys Amanah sets a bright example in that direction.”

Bearys Project

Thrust on Individual Social Responsibility (ISR)

Mr. Beary is a proponent and a practitioner of Individual Social Responsibility (ISR) vis-a-vis Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), with a firm belief that the former is a more effective way to effect a change in society. Individual values and consciousness drive ISR, whereas CSR depends on corporate growth.

“Since its inception, Bearys Group has tied itself to the cause of the betterment of education and the environment. It will continue to do so regardless of the growth and profit of our businesses,” says Mr. Beary.

Helping others has been ingrained in his value system since childhood. He reminisces that whenever any beggar approached his father, the latter never gave it to them directly. He would take out some money from his pocket and hand it to us to give to the beggar. He says, “That was my father’s way of making us aware of the importance of charity from the beginning.”

He further says that to be able to do ISR, one doesn’t need to be rich. One can contribute even a tiny portion of their earnings to social causes, and if more and more people do that, we will end up impacting and enriching society in big way.

Message to Youth

Youth are beckon of society. They should take the right path because the future of families, communities, and the country depend on them. Mr. Beary wants them to be ambitious and hardworking to achieve success but not get avaricious to go after money at the expense of moral values.

“Hard work never goes unrewarded. With patience, financial fortune follows. The key is to wait and keep growing one’s business. Youth must safeguard themselves from corrupt practices to make quick money,” says Mr. Beary.

Mr. Beary suggests it is essential to have a long-term plan to evolve one’s endeavours.He himself, with patience, invested a lot of time, the right strategies, and hard work in his ventures before reaping benefits.

He raises a pertinent question about the new start-up culture where youths need to take the right approach. “Most of them start a start-up with the hope that an investor will take it over after some time, and they will earn a windfall,” Mr. Beary says, “They should rather work hard and cultivate goodwill in the market so that they create their own brand and benefit from it in the longer run.”

He also says that it is important to earn money and create wealth because it empowers someone to give back to society. But wealth should be earned in the right way differentiating between Halaal (lawful) and Haram (prohibited).

Mr. Beary warns youth against getting lured by the name and fame that come with being rich. They should rather see the painstaking hard work gone behind it. At the same time, he advises youth to live for noble causes and build a pious character.

An Effective Communicator and Motivator 

Skills and knowledge have some value only when they are shared with others. If they remain confined to a single person, they don’t serve any purpose for society. Therefore, Mr. Beary is all for disseminating skills, experience, knowledge, and values he has gained to others to benefit.

He can be seen on the dais giving speeches at many events, seminars, and symposiums. He is not a fiery or flowery orator but a pretty articulate and compelling speaker who can enamour the audience with his on-point, sensible, and honest way of speaking.

Communicating with the audience has never been a problem for him because he is a polyglot who can effortlessly speak English, Hindi, Urdu, Kannada, Beary, and a few other languages depending upon the audience he faces.

Besides being an impactful speaker, Mr. Beary is a motivator par excellence. Whether it is his workers, colleagues, students or people from different walks of life, he can motivate them to cultivate dedication and put in hard work to excel.


A man from a village background, lacking formal education, having no means and resources, and yet climbing the ladders of success is a story to be inspired for the new generation. After all, it takes a lot of calibre for a man starting as a humble real estate agent to create an internationally-reputed property development and management company with real estate solutions spanning the entire gamut and expand successfully into several other business fields.

In addition, the most heartening thing about Mr. Beary’s story is his bona fide commitment towards the cause of education and environment conservation, which differentiates him from most others as a responsible business and social leader.

Moreover, he is a pious Muslim and a staunch secularist with perennial hope of peace and harmony among different communities. On the question of the love of his life, he proudly says he greatly loves his country and religion. There is no question of which comes first or second. He loves both simultaneously and equally.

Maeeshat firmly believes that instead of dogmatic religious leaders holding sway in the Muslim community, pragmatic and hardworking leaders like Mr. Beary, who recognises the challenges and aspirations of the new generation, should come forward to lead for the benefit of our society and nation at large.

We thank Mr. Beary for the commendable and inspiring work he has been doing for society and the environment and wish him success in all his future endeavours. May the Almighty reward him in this life and the hereafter.

Syed Mohamed Beary Cover Page

Huge market demand and New Age Companies will offset the impact of recession in India – Roshan T Mansoor

Huge market demand and New Age Companies will offset the impact of recession in India – Roshan T Mansoor

Roshan Mansoor, a qualified Chartered Accountant and having certified in Mergers & Acquisitions from The Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania) is a Managing Partner of a Bangalore-based CA firm ‘Roshan Mansoor and Co’ (RM&Co). Before starting the firm, he worked with Big4 consulting firm “Pricewaterhouse Coopers Pvt Ltd”. In just 10 years of profession, RM&Co is a 30 member team specialized in Mergers & Acquisitions and part of Large Tax Litigations. Bold and outspoken, Roshan in talks with Jawed Khurshid over a cup of filter Coffee which he loves to drink as he is originally from the Coffee Town of Karnataka – Chikmagalur.

 How do you see the overall economy of India?

The overall economy projects a mixed picture – The beneficiaries remain mostly the upper middle class as well as the rich people. To be precise, it is the upper middle class and the rich who availed the maximum benefits of the economic policies of the current regime. As far as middle class and lower middle class people are concerned, they are mercilessly hit by the inflation and have hardly any savings to make due to inflation. Over the period of time, things will improve as the policies have ingredients that would stem the rot caused by high inflation. Thus there’s no need to be despondent.

 At times, the news of global recession haunts us. Is there any iota of truth in this?

Yes, absolutely it’s looming around because it’s not only the start-ups that are laying off the employees. Rather the big multinationals, like Google, Sap labs,  Microsoft, etc too are laying off people. It’s less demand that’s tormenting which forces them to retrench the employee size and to cut cost. This is the first sign of recession. As far as startups are concerned, they’ve seen the trend in the last six months, lots of venture capitalists, private equity and hedge fund guys have really reduced their outlay of investment in India too.  Globally the situation is turning Challenging but India being predominantly an agrarian, New age tech economy, New Manufacturing Set ups benefited under PLI schemes of Government would sustain the shock caused due to global recessionary tendencies.

 How would this affect the stability of our market, considering the worst scenario?

Indian market would be much more stable in stark contrast to the European and American markets as it’s already seen. We aren’t a credit driven market, we are still a very conservative saving oriented market. Due to a sheer size of population, we have a huge domestic demand that offsets the impact of recession to a great extent. Unlike Europe and other western economies, Indian retail production wouldn’t suffer much due to enormous demands. Global majors are moving their production/Manufacturing set ups to India post covid and Indian Government is encouraging the same under Make in India schemes and initiatives.

Roshan Mansoor

Roshan Mansoor


 The government never tires of flaunting issues related to making India a five-trillion dollar economy. Is this a mere hyperbole or reflects conviction on part of the government?

Two things define the statement ..  I think Indian government is positive when it claims the aforementioned ‘five-trillion dollar economy’ statement. It’s definitely not merely a hyperbole rather a deep conviction is felt due to policies of the government.  The Indian fiscal system is robust and could thwart any negative fiscal tendency. Western economy and fiscal system are in utterly bad shape compared to India. Thus we’re on the positive side of the spectrum.

 The union government has almost completed two years in power. During this period only those who worked in the legal framework got benefitted. What are the benefits of working in a legal framework?

Professionals who are in Legal frameworks have largely benefitted on India Story. VC’s, Private Equity firms, Family fund houses investing in New age Tech startups, Companies who are in EV space, Infrastructure companies have engaged Law firms, Chartered Accountancy firm and  other experts in the similar fields to assists in their investments and large part of advisory & consulting business.

Introduction of GST and subsequent changes in compliance and laws have been helping professionals and Demonetization too benefitted us as many people thronged the accountants’ firms to resolve the thorny financial and legal adjunct.

How could Muslims avail the financial opportunity in the present circumstances?

Muslims too could avail of the benefits of the policies floated by the central and state governments. There are funds for minorities and their economic upliftment. Muslims should come out from their self-created cocoon and join the mainstream.

There are a plethora of Muslim habitations across the country that reel through worst poverty, such as Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal and similar places elsewhere where the awareness viz a viz such policies need to be carried out with religious zeal. . Due to favourable policies of the government, this is an opportune moment to learn the tricks of the trade and start the work.

Entrepreneurial activity has percolated through every sphere of human Endeavor.  But Indian Muslims are, literally speaking, least benefited due to their conservative thinking. For a long time, they were told not to tread the so-called ‘proscribed’ path. But currently many organizations in the community have taken the responsibility to educate them and teach them the skill to start their own small venture and educate on schemes which are available for business in India.

Religious teachings don’t exclude modern education and commerce. It’s a painful irony that most of us think that religion is solely restricted to morality and prayers, but the fact is that the Islamic teachings include trade, commerce, modern education, and also guides the faithful in multifarious ways to develop scientific temperament.

M Azizur Rahman: The Innovative Edupreneur from North Bengal

M Azizur Rahman: The Innovative Edupreneur from North Bengal

By Danish Reyaz

The heart-wrenching partition of the Indian subcontinent in 1947 no doubt created hatred and animosity between Hindus and Muslims, but it hit the Muslims, in particular, hard on many levels. They became rudderless in society as the intelligentsia and the wealthy class from the community migrated to the newly formed Pakistan. Those who were left behind were mostly poor. Living in the absence of any leadership and amidst an atmosphere of mistrust, they kept lagging further, both educationally and economically.

The Malda district in West Bengal faced a similar fate, with the Muslim population getting into the morass of poverty after partition. But the situation is, to some extent changing now. There are plenty of good Samaritans who are doing their utmost to change the fate of their community.

One such noble soul is Muhammed Azizur Rahman, who has risen to the occasion. Guided by the belief that there is no service better than education to remove poverty, he has embarked on a mission to ensure the best education for the children of the underprivileged.

He has founded the Tarbiyah Cambridge International School, popularly known as TCIS, in Baranagar (Danga), Jalalpur in Malda district, which has over 50% Muslim population but lacks educational institutions in proportion.

Tarbiyah Cambridge International School (TCIS) is an attempt to fill the void of modern education in the community in line with the vision of Azizur Rahman, which also puts much emphasis on religious teachings side by side.

“The present school is only the beginning. While it is set to expand to accommodate more students shortly, I have a broader vision to establish TCIS in every district of West Bengal and, if God’s willing, in neighbouring states,” says Mr. Rahman with quiet determination in his eyes.

Besides being a crusader for education, there is another dimension to his identity, and that is of a successful entrepreneur. Even before he forayed into the education field, he had cemented his position as one of the country’s leading players in the silk industry.

Starling Silk Mills Pvt. Ltd, a company he founded in Jalapur, Malda, is a major silk exporter worldwide. He has provided employment to 50 thousand households and cultivators and many more workers at the factory, improving their economic condition.

Azizur Rahman has turned messiah for people in the poverty-stricken Malda, as he employs local masses with his company while educating their children in hisTarbiyah Cambridge International School (TCIS) to shape the future of the fledgling new generation.

He also dons the hats of a philanthrope and a social worker. The multi-faceted Azizur Rahman has all the trappings of a true leader for social causes. Here, this cover story brings you an in-depth view of his world, works, and vision.

A Polite and Professional Man

To begin with, Azizur Rahman is a man of respect, and his mere presence is enough to evoke that respect, considering his tireless service to his people and society. His success in his endeavours exalts his position further.

But despite being successful and having an enviable societal reputation, he doesn’t throw any attitude. He often wears a soft smile on his otherwise quiet face. He is polite, respectful to others, and a bit restrained in his talking. Getting him to talk about his endeavours and achievements takes some time.

A man with average height and build, Azizur Rahman, spots a Balbo beard and loves to be dressed formally in public to preserve his image as a professional man. He says, “I don’t like cavalier attitude. For success, one should always be professional in work, words, conduct, or dress.”

His Parents, Education, and Early Life

Born to Abdul Jalil and Gulnahar on March 5, 1965, Azizur Rahman had a normal childhood. Although his father was a man of his time when education wasn’t a priority in the eyes of parents, he was committed to his children receiving education. Since Azizur Rahman was sharp-minded from a very early age, his father had another potent reason to get him educated.

Reminiscing his parents’ influence, Azizur Rahman says that they were simple human beings who, despite limited means, lived a life full of gratitude towards the Almighty, a virtuous trait he inherited from them.

He says, “My parents cared to bring me up into a better individual by providing good education, rightful guidance, constant support, and inspiration to work hard. Without them, I couldn’t have become what I am today.”

The love and respect Azizur Rahman have for his parents is evident from the fact that when he started a trust for his educational endeavour, he named it “A J Gulnahar Memorial Trust.”

Coming back to his education, Azizur Rahman did his primary education from MadarsaImdadul Uloom and matriculation from Mohammadia High Madarsah. He passed his intermediate from Malda Town High School with flying colours.

About his graduation he says, “I wanted to take my father’s silk business to the next level, so I chose Commerce and secured a degree from Kolkata University in 1986.”

As soon as Azizur Rahman finished his graduation, he joined his father’s business, but it was only a formal entry for him. In fact, he had started assisting his father at the age of 12.

A Background to Starling Silk Mills Pvt. Ltd.

As much as the Malda district is known for its delicious Malda mangoes, it is known for silk production. Silk production was introduced in Malda about 300 years ago by the king of Gaur.

With time, more households embraced it, cultivated cocoons, and produced silk so much that it became a hub for raw silk. However, it took the shape of an industry only later.

Azizur Rahman’s grandfather set out to produce silk in 1908 with a vision to organize the sector and provide employment to the local people. Later, Azizur Rahman’s father helmed it and expanded it further. He did his utmost with whatever resources and capital were available to him at that time.

But the business took a shape of factory only when Azizur Rahman took over. Azizur Rahman took a loan of 18 thousand from bank and invested it into the business along with a lot of sweat and hard work. He foundedBengal Silk Industries in 1983 and since then there has been no looking back.

Later the Bengal Silk Industries was rechristened as Starling Mills Pvt. Ltd. and registered in 1995.

About Starling Silk Mills Pvt. Ltd

Starling Silk Mills Pvt. Ltd. is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company which has carved its niche amidst cut-throat competition, emerging as India’s leading manufacturer and supplier of a wide range of silk and yarn products.

These products are made with hundred percent spun silk and derived from various cocoons such as Muga, Mulberry, Tussah, and Eri. The vast product line includes spun silk fabrics and sarees, silk shirts, silk textile materials, matka silk fabrics and natural silk quit. In terms of spun silk yarn, the company deals in Tassar silk, recycle silk, noil silk, moga silk, carpet silk and silk knitted yarn.

Azizur Rahman says, “Our flawless high-quality products cater to the needs of textile, clothing, interior, medical, and industrial sectors in the country and worldwide.”

M Azizur Rahman with his family

M Azizur Rahman with his family at BKC in Mumbai

Making Starling Silk Mills Pvt. Ltd. a Leading Company

The rise of Starling Silk Mills Pvt. Ltd has all to do withAzizur Rahman’s ceaseless efforts in giving a new dimension to his family business and his desire to go the extra mile to learn new things and implement them well before it is time.

Transforming a family silk business from a cottage unit into a thriving mill and one of India’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of silk products takes a lot of planning and far-sightedness besides hard work.

Azizur Rahman went about in his endeavour pretty meticulously. First, he took a round abroad, observed international mills in Italy and Germany, and imported various modern machinery from there. He hired skilful employees with good backgrounds and experience who were further trained to handle these modern, sophisticated machines.

Azizur Rahman says, “Apart from the state-of-art machinery, our large production capacity, stringent quality, large warehouse, and vast distribution network are the other aspects that have helped us emerge as one of the leaders in the industry.”

That said, like any good business leader, he reserves the highest praise for his team. He says, “Our team has talented weavers, designers, and technicians who are highly driven, dedicated, and hard-working. Without them, this journey wouldn’t have reached this far.”

In its glorious journey, the company has also won several awards, including the Foshmi Award for the year 2003. Ukas Award, and the award from Silk Mark Organization.

All said and done, another salient factor for its popularity is the company’s ethical practices. Azizur Rahman says, “Ethics is at the core of our business. We never compromise our products for profiteering. Our pricing is competitive. We give just wages to our workers. And our entire process is transparent for others to see.”

From a few dozen, Starling Silk Mills Pvt. Ltd. now has more than 500 employees at the factory, and 50 thousand+ households are engaged in cocoons cultivation and raw silk extraction for the company.

It has scaled up so much that the exports of its products take place to more than 40 countries spanning across the USA, Chili, Europe, Russia, Turkey, Bangladesh, China, Ethiopia, and many other oriental countries, including India.

Starling Silk Mills Pvt. Ltd. also has a factory outlet and showroom in Malda, providing options to customers to visit and choose products according to their requirements.

Foray into Education

The amiable and soft-spoken Azizur Rahman is a man of indomitable spirit and vision. Even after taking Starling Silk Mills Pvt. Ltd. to new heights and providing massive employment to his people, he didn’t want to be content with that. He has an endless appetite for entrepreneurship in a social cause.

“Almighty has been very kind to me. He has given Barkat in my business. So, in gratitude towards him, it becomes my duty to do something for society.” says Azizur Rahman.

There is no better service to society than providing education because it is the passport to a bright future. In 2014, Azizur Rahman embarked on a new journey by establishing Tarbiyah Cambridge International School (TCIS).

He glowingly says, “Starting a school was a cherished dream of mine. Much as I had succeeded in the silk business, the day I laid down the school’s foundation was the happiest day of my life.”

Reasons Behind an English Medium School

The idea of starting an English medium school had begun much before 2014 when Azizur Rahman used to visit foreign countries as part of his business tours.

He says, “I have been travelling abroad since I was 16. I used to get awe-struck by seeing progress made by foreign countries. On every return, I would shed silent tears at the wretched conditions of my fellow countrymen.”

According to him, it didn’t take him long to realize that the lack of education, more so the lack of modern English education, obstructed the country’s progress. He wanted to do something about it. He decided to set up an English medium school in his native town Barangar, Malda, West Bengal. However, the poverty of the local people was something that needed consideration.

Malda is thickly populated, with about 51% Muslims, but the literacy rate here is abysmally low. Most who attend schools often fail to make any headway in life due to the lack of quality education. The situation is worse among the poor, who comprise the working class in the bidi and plastic industries and migrants and labourers. Their financial condition doesn’t allow them to send their children to a school, much less an English medium school.

“An English medium school doesn’t seem viable in the area largely inhabited by economically weaker sections. Better you start a regional medium school for them,” Azizur Rahman remembers how his friends used to dissuade him from his plan of opening an English medium school.

Nevertheless, Azizur Rahman pushed ahead with his plan because he didn’t want to profit unreasonably. He wanted English education for the children coming from poor sections at any cost, so they are not discriminated against and get an equal chance to excel in life like the children of privileged ones in society.

An English Medium School, but With a Difference

While Azizur Rahman was determined to open a school with international education standards that would be accessible to all, especially the poor, he also wanted that school to be different from regular schools.

His vision was for a school that, besides modern education, would equally give importance to moral and ethical education so that students embody worldly success and the ethical practices of life in equal measure.

Driven by that noble desire, when he established the school, he aptly named itTarbiyah Cambridge International School (TCIS). Tarbiyah is an Arabic word that means nurturing or rearing. In a broader context, it refers to systematically teaching and upbringing children in accordance with Islamic values.

“In today’s world, neither parents give Tarbiyah to their children, nor do the children have time outside school hours to learn about it. I wanted to solve this problem with TCIS, where modern education and Tarbiyah were to be given side by side under one roof,” says Azizur Rahman.

Establishment and Growth of TCIS

Having done his homework properly, Azizur Rahman, with a determined will, established Tarbiyah Cambridge International School in 2014 adjacent to his Starling Silk Mills Pvt. Ltd in a sprawling six acres of land.

The school started with about 60 students up to class IV, and now it has more than 500 students up to class XII. Since Azizur Rahman’s name carries a lot of credibility in the area, parents don’t think twice about sending their children to his school. Every year the number of students is growing, and so is the school’s expansion.

As the need was felt to create more blocks and classrooms, the second leg of construction work for the school began in 2018, which got disrupted by COVID lockdowns, but it has now resumed on a war footing. “Since the demand is high, we are scaling up our infrastructure. We are set to increase our capacity to 1000 students very soon,” says Azizur Rahman proudly.

The school has seen exemplary growth in just about nine-year existence. Arguably, the persistent focus on quality by adhering to advance learning trends and techniques since the school’s inception is the reason behind its soaring popularity.

Notable Features of TCIS

Tarbiyah Cambridge International School (TCIS) is a school for the future which is dedicated to shaping the future of its students by providing them with the best education and moulding their personality in the right directions- morally, socially, and physiologically.

Azizur Rahman says, “By inculcating religious discipline, building characters, and helping intellectual growth, we aim at creating students into good human beings who are sensitive to the needs of others, respect fellow humans, and fulfil their duties towards society and the nation at large.”

He adds that the multi-faceted Tarbiyah programme at TCIS includes Tazweed & Understanding of the Quran and the Hifzul Quran program every Sunday. Furthermore, the school has collaborated with the Markaz Group of Kerala for moral value-based education.

TCSI is affiliated with CBSE and hasa balanced student-teacher ratio for effective learning. The teaching staff are highly experienced, well-trained, and competent to unravel the talent of every student and help them build on their strengths to excel.

Azizur Rahman says, “The teachers at our school work as a team and recognize their responsibility. They are not only adept in teaching academic curriculum but also wield impeccable values essential for inspiring students to pick up best practices in life.

Besides excellent teaching staff, the school is equipped with all the modern facilities such as fully digital classrooms, a well-stacked Library, Assembly Hall, Science Lab, Media Lab, separate boys’ and girls’ hostels.

An ample number of extracurricular activities, including martial arts, roller skating, cricket, football, tennis, volleyball, etc., add to students’ sporting skills and physical fitness.

To enhance leadership skills, TCIS has introduced 50+ ECC activities like quizzes, debates on contemporary topics, dramas on social issues, instant speeches, tongue twister competitions etc., which are performed publicly on the Annual Day of school.

Apart from that, daily students’ performance reports are being published digitally to monitor them very closely and take action according to the requirement.

Azizur Rahman says, “We have already introduced robotics and coding mathematics. We intend to introduce AI in our classrooms to create smart, responsive content for the personalised care of students.”

The hard work of the team has been bearing fruits consistently. For a recent example, the second batch of 10th standard has excelled in board exams. Students have obtained 85 to 97 percent marks in the 2022 board exam. In the coming days, more powerful academic performance is expected from the students.

Making TCIS a Brand

Azizur Rahman has a broader vision to spread the education model he envisages for the overall growth of students at a reasonable price.

“The idea is to develop TCIS into a credible brand and branch out into other areas, creating a sort of educational revolution keeping the underprivileged infocus.” Azizur Rahman says, “Our entire team is working very hard to fulfil the dreams of taking English medium education to rural India.”

According to him, the management has the vision to establish up to 200 branches, focusing on rural areas by 2024. Plans are already afoot to open the first 100 branches. We have already started 42branches at the junior level and one branch up to XII standards.

The main campus is already being developed swiftly to serve as the central branch, controlling and coordinating all other branches spread in the state and elsewhere.

Azizur Rahman says, “Ensuring technology-based quality and modern education in rural India is not only an attempt to take the TCIS brand to the needy sections of the society living the far-flung areas but also a sincere effort on our part to promote the concept of Digital India, which has been developed by the Govt. of India.”

Dream for a University

The sections of society that have been left behind in progress must get a fair chance to advance and acquire leadership roles in society. To that end, universities have a major role to play.

When it comes to West Bengal, the state has a significant minority population, but accordingly, there are not enough minority universities.

Azizur Rahman says, “Universities, in general, are in awful scarcity in our country. While in developed countries, for per 50 thousand population, there is about one university, in India, we don’t have a university even for 10 lakh people.”

Well aware of the situation in his state, Azizur Rahman nurtures a dream to establish a university that will open gates for minorities to excel in higher education. However, establishing a university is no child’s play. It requires enormous funds and infrastructures, as well as resources of other kinds.

Azizur Rahman says, “I have already consulted my industrialist friends who can contribute in this regard. Insha’Allah, taking everybody along, and with government assistance, we will be able to establish a university one day. But for now, our entire focus is to move ahead with TCIS. The university can wait.”

Azizur Rahman’sWorld View

Besides being an entrepreneur and educationist, Azizur Rahman is a thinker and has the brain of an intellectual. His insights into the history and contemporary world politics are discerning and impressive.

He says the world, including our beloved country India, is going through a tumultuous period where fascist and reactionary forces have dominated and successfully changed the political discourse to that of hate and bigotry.He shows his concerns about the growing trend of Islamophobia around the world.

Nevertheless, Azizur Rahman is hopeful that the time will change and people will get fed up with hate and eventually return to the path of peace, harmony, and brotherhood.

He says, “Education has a big role in healing the world. More than the present education system, the education tied to moral and ethical values we are advocating will serve the purpose.”

Maeeshat’s View

A man of many ideas, unbounded zeal, and tireless hard work, Azizur Rahman has given a new meaning to entrepreneurship and has also shown his mettle in community leadership.

On the one hand, his Starling Silk Mills employs hundreds of people; on the other, TCIS is doing stellar work to educate underprivileged children holistically. And considering the way TCIS expansion is taking place, we can say Azizur Rahman is a leader in the making for bigger things.

For Maseeshat Media, it is always heartening to see the emergence of new entrepreneurs and community leaders. Azizur Rahman’s endeavours are highly praiseworthy, especially because they are geared towards the causes of the disadvantages.

He has dispelled the notion that the poor and downtrodden are indifferent to change their fate through education. According to him, despite poverty, these people are aware of the importance of education. They want their children to be educated, but the community lacks the leadership to tap into their willingness.

He says, “Our community needs more leaders to come forward and shoulder the responsibility of establishing more and more educational institutions. One Tarbiyah Cambridge International School is not enough.”

Azizur Rahman considers himself a dreamer, even in an adverse situation. Had he not dreamed, nothing would have materialised. But he always backed his dreams with immense hard work and an undying passion for achieving them.

The dedicated crusader is on a constant mission to better the lives of others through meaningful and constructive changes. We have the highest regard for him.

Fittingly, when he signs off, he tells his favourite quote: “Zindagi tab banti hai jab aap khush hote hain. Lekin Zindagi tab behtareen banti hai jab koi aap ki wajah se khush hota hai.”

There is strength in unity: Uphaar warriors Neelam & Shekhar Krishnamoorthy

There is strength in unity: Uphaar warriors Neelam & Shekhar Krishnamoorthy

Placed with love and grief, Unnati’s and Ujjwal’s photo frames stand on a wooden cabinet even after 26 years of no justice in the capital’s Uphaar cinema fire tragedy.

It is the blessing of Allah Almighty that I am able to serve the community : Advocate Yusuf Abrahani

It is the blessing of Allah Almighty that I am able to serve the community : Advocate Yusuf Abrahani

By Danish Reyaz | Maeeshat | Mumbai

pyāso raho na dasht meñ bārish ke muntazir

Maaro zamīñ pe paañv ki paanī nikal pae

This Iqbal Sajid’s Sher that Adv. Yusuf Abrahani often quotes perfectly describes the latter’s attitude in life. Translating the Shair, he says, “Instead of waiting in the desert for rains to quench your thirst, you should keep beating the ground with your leg so that water streams out of it.”

Adv. Yusuf Abrahani has done the same in his life; he has invariably carved his path to success, creating opportunities and clearing every odd and obstacle.

Today he is a man of many hats. He is an excellent lawyer, a famous politician, a prolific social activist, and the current President of Mumbai-based Islam Gymkhana, of which he has been lately scripting a transformation.

Mr. Abrahani is vocal and visionary, dedicated and hard-working. He has an obstinate passion for making things work despite the complexities of a situation.

“I have a no-holds-barred approach towards accomplishing a mission. I can’t go about doing things half-heartedly. That’s not how I am,” while Mr. Abrahani says it, confidence drips from his words. And given his track record, none could ever disagree.

Advocate Yusuf Abrahani, President, Islam Gymkhana delivering speech on Education & Minorities in the 21st Century

Advocate Yusuf Abrahani, President, Islam Gymkhana delivering speech on Education & Minorities in the 21st Century

Early Life and Education

Adv. Yusuf Abrahani hails from a middle-class family from Gujrat but ends up making a name for himself in Mumbai, Maharashtra, all thanks to his sheer hard work.

At the age of six years, in 1962, he came to Mumbai along with his parents and continued schooling. As a bright student, he kept on passing his grades with flying colours. In 1972, he passed his SSC from Habib High School and BSc. in 1977 from Maharashtra College.

Advocate Yusuf Abrahani with Sudheendra Kulkarni, former Director of Operations of the Prime Minister's Office

Advocate Yusuf Abrahani with Sudheendra Kulkarni, former Director of Operations of the Prime Minister’s Office

Becoming a Top-Notch Lawyer

Mr. Abrahani had his inspirations in his family. His uncle was Supreme Court lawyer. Therefore, he had no second thoughts about opting for law. In 1980, he passed his LLB from KC Law College, and since then, there has been no looking back.

“Having top lawyers in my family helped me learn the ropes of the profession quickly,” Mr. Abrahani says. “Plus, I had an argumentative mind since the beginning, the most critical thing to be a good lawyer.”

Mr. Abrahani used to fight his cases with a flair and lots of legal acumen. His career flourished. In no time, he became one of Mumbai’s most sought-after lawyers, who had a knack for winning high-profile cases.

Just after four years of practice, he was elected as the President of the Maharashtra Young Advocate Association, which was an admirable feat at such a young age.

Politics Beckons

With his reputation growing thick and fast, he had an offer to stand in the Corporation election. Hazrat Zahiruddin Khan Saheb, one of the esteemed religious leaders of the community, approached Mr. Abrahani’s father requesting him to allow his son to fight the Corporator election.

The father turned down the offer saying his son was doing well as a lawyer and had no interest in politics.

However, Khan Saheb and a few locals remained insistent, visited him again, and finally managed to persuade him to give the go-ahead to his son for the election.

“More than me, the people were confident of my victory. They had already figured out how I was an ideal candidate to win because of my education, social activism, and expertise as a lawyer,” says Mr. Abrahani.

After eleven years of sparkling practice as a lawyer, Mr. Abrahani forayed into the world of politics, realizing little that he was embarking on another defining life journey.

In 1992, he contested his first Corporator election from B ward with a Muslim League ticket and won it, amassing the second-highest number of votes in Mumbai that year.

He was so popular that in 1997 he again fought the Corporator election, this time from the Samajwadi party’s ticket, and won handsomely, in reward for stellar developmental works he had done in the previous tenure.

During his two-term Corporatorship, he distinguished himself as the Party President of the Muslim League and Samajavadi Party, respectively.

“I am the first candidate in the corporation history to have held the Party President position for record ten years,” says Mr. Abrahani.

Again, he was on the Standing Committee for eight years, five years on the Central Haj Committee, and two years on the Improvement Committee. He was also the Chairman of the Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority (MHADA).

With an honest ambition of serving society, Mr. Abrahani kept climbing the ladders in politics. In 2004, he became an MLA from Trombay with over 50 thousand votes.

Joining the Congress

Thanks to his impressive electoral strategies, Mr. Abrahani has always been a winnable candidate. “I know how to win an election. However, sometimes you need bigger resources to pull it off,” says Mr. Abrahani.

“So, joining Congress, the grand old party of India, in 2002 came in handy for me. I could reach a larger electoral base, which helped me become an MLA two years later,” he adds.

According to him, remaining in two parties for ten years and observing the functioning of other parties from close quarters convinced him that Congress’ ideology of secular and liberal politics was best suited for the country.

He further says, “I am firmly committed to the Congress because I have a strong ideological affinity with the party.”

Advocate Yusuf Abrahani in jolly mood

Advocate Yusuf Abrahani in jolly mood

A Politician with Ideas

Adv. Yusuf Abrahani is a man of ideas who has been involved in brainstorming with the party’s top brass. He says, “Rahul Gandhi used to ask me why, after all, Muslims are moving away from the Congress.”

He further says that impressed with his diagnosis and solutions to the problem, Rahul Gandhi wanted to make him All India Minority Commission Chairman. However, he politely declined the offer, expressing that he would rather like to work in Maharashtra than pan India.

“I did several outreach programs to pull back Muslims into Congress fold, and to a great extent, I have been successful. Today Muslims in Maharashtra are largely behind Congress more than any other party,” he says with satisfaction.

But soon in the next moment, he laments over the political marginalization of Muslims happening all over India. He attributes this to the weakening of Congress since Muslims in hordes deserted Congress in favour of regional parties like SP and RJD after the Babri Masjid demolition in 1992.

“I have been saying this for a long time that a weak Congress is not in the interest of Muslims. Congress is the only party that can stand up against the BJP juggernaut. Muslims have to flock back to it. The sooner it happens, the better,” says Mr. Abrahani fervently.

Discussion on spread of love & eradication of hatred. Adv Yusuf Abrahani, Sr. Congress leader & legal luminary Salman Khursheed with Mohammed Adeeb Ex MP at Islam Gymkhana

Adv Yusuf Abrahani, Sr. Congress leader & legal luminary Salman Khursheed with Mohammed Adeeb Ex MP at Islam Gymkhana

Coming in Contact with Islam Gymkhana

The Britishera Islam Gymkhana, a social and sporting club that, until a few years ago, seemed to wear a worn-out look, is now a vibrant place to hang around.

The responsible person for this transformation of Islam Gymkhana is no other than Adv. Yusuf Abrahani, its current President.

“Coming in contact with Islam Gymkhana happened in my active political career and it has an interesting story,” says Mr. Abrahani

He says that once, they had a function of Congress Minority Department for which Anjuman-I-Islam’s ground at Victoria Terminus (now, ChhatrapatiShivaji Terminus) was booked. But just on the eve of the function, Anjuman’s President withdrew the permission on some flimsy ground.

“I wasn’t going to take it lying down,” Mr. Abrahani says. “I had made the payment and accepted the receipt. Plus, I couldn’t have arranged the function at a short time at a different venue. So I protested and sat on a dharna until we were allowed to hold the function as scheduled.”

The issue blew up so much that barrister A R Antulay had to intervene, who directed the President to allow Anjuman’s ground as and when required for the community purpose.

Going a step further, Mr. Antulay also ensured that Mr.Abrahani had access to the ground of Islam Gymkhana for the community purpose.

“Essentially, it was Mr. Antulay who introduced me to Islam Gymkhana, which was not much of a familiar place for me until then.” Mr. Abrahani says.

Becoming the President of Islam Gymkhana

Adv.  Yusuf Abrahani is a leader who is voracious for development no matter where he serves in whatever capacity. Even while he was a primary member of Islam Gymkhana, he was forthcoming with his views and ideas about the club’s development.

With time, he realized that aggressive implementation of ideas is needed to bring Islam Gymkhana on par with other gymkhanas or to outshine them. But the then President, as well as the management committee, was lacking in drive.

Adv. Abrahani says, “In fact, complacency had crept into the management, which was holding office for last eighteen years without an election after coming to power.”

“We filed a petition in court for an election to be held, and once the court passed an order in that regard, I decided to throw myself into the fray for a President post,” he adds.

After a long time, an election was held in Islam Gymkhana in March 2019. The election was free and fair, which saw hundreds of club members voting with much excitement, rising above caste, sect, and religion.

Members showered their blessings on Mr. Abrahani to be the next President with a record number of votes.

Mr. Abrahani says, “The 2019 election has heralded a new era for Islam Gymkhana. My team and I is staunchly committed to its reforms and redevelopment.”

COVID and Controversy

The start of the new management committee was tumultuous, however. No doubt the development works were afoot since day one after the election, but soon COVID struck, putting things on hold in lockdowns.

“I like to work in speed. COVID came in the way, yet what we achieved within a short period is incredible. Earlier, the Gymkhana used to look like a Yateem khana (Orphanage), but now it has facilities on par with a five-star hotel.”

No one who have ever been to Islam Gymkhana before Mr. Abrahani took over can deny it. There is a stark difference to see now. The gymkhana looks totally revamped, modernized, and aesthetic.

Regarding the controversy, it also happened early on. On the heels of winning the election, Mr. Abrahani banned the card games played in Islam Gymkhana for years. It led to resentment from a few members, and it soon blew into a controversy.

However, despite the controversy getting media attention and the decision being challenged in court, Mr. Abrahani stood his ground.

“In the name of card games betting and gambling were taking place here. We have evidence of it,” Mr. Abrahani says. “Plus, Islam doesn’t permit gambling. We won’t tolerate any illegal or immoral activity inside the Islam Gymkhana premise.”

As it happens, resistance to the ban on card games is wearing thin, and now more and more members support it.

“Since the ban of card games, the atmosphere in the gymkhana has improved. There have been no more gambling-related fights and brawls, inconveniencing other members, especially the women.” Mr. Abrahani says.

An Agent of Quick Transformation

Mr. Abrahani was elected as President of Islam Gymkhana on the back of the developmental promises made in his manifesto and members’ faith in his ability to walk the talk.

And true to the expectations, in a quick time after the landmark election, he has metamorphosed Islam Gymkhana into a vibrant club where people unwind and socialize amidst the aesthetic architectural restructuring and ample availability of modern amenities.

“Previously, Islam Gymkhana was in a wretched condition, which was an embarrassment for the Muslims because gymkhanas also reflect the status of the communities they represent,” says Mr. Abrahani.

Nevertheless, the same gymkhana today stands immensely transformed with new facilities coming up at a swift pace. It has become a crown jewel for the Muslims in Mumbai.

The gymkhana now boasts a beautiful air-conditioned lobby, a well-furnished conference hall, a banquet hall, a dressing room, an exquisite restaurant, and many other structures, all creating a glitzy ambience.

The overhauled gymkhana houses a state-of-the-art gym equipped with all the modern equipment, where one can tone up and build muscle. Jacuzzi, Steam, Sauna, and Spa have also been added as parts of the health and mental wellbeing section.

However, the highlight will be the 27/10 metre state-of-the-art swimming pool that is now under construction. The soon-to-be-opened swimming pool will not only cater to the swimming exercise of the members but also serve as a training spot for the professional swimmers.

Adv. Yusuf Abrahani recalls when card games were banned, some members complained to him, saying Islam Gymkhana was a club, not a Madrasa. He would respond wittily, “Tell me, if I thought it was a Madrasa, why would I open a Spa, Sauna, and Pool here?” He reiterates, “Banning card games was a principled step.”

On the front of games and sports Islam Gymkhana now looks quite modern. The playground, with the addition of floodlights and multi-purpose turf, has enhanced its utility. Indoors, a new room with four life-size Billiards and Snooker tables has come up, in line with the international standards. Another room for pool, table tennis, and carom has been renovated, letting the players enjoy their games wholeheartedly.

The all-around transformation of Islam Gymkhana has raised its stock manifold, and in a quick time, it has emerged as a prime hub for sporting, social, and cultural events and activities in Mumbai. With the popularity soaring, a new branch of Islam Gymkhana is also set to come up at Lonavla shortly.

Gender Sensitivity

Mr. Abrahani is all for women’s participation in the public sphere. Since becoming the

, he has ensured that women members frequent Islam Gymkhana as and when they want.

The first thing he did was employ a few female staff so that the fair sex visitors feel at ease in approaching them when needed. To access the Spa, Sauna, Swimming Pool, etc., the female members have women-exclusive timing slots to maintain their privacy. At the same time, a separate prayer hall for women has also been erected.

Mr. Abrahani says, “These are the small confidence-building measures that go a long way in assuring women of respect and safety and thus increasing their visits and participation.”

For better coordination in decision-making for women-centric issues, there is a Ladies Auxiliary Committee from which Mr. Abrahani seeks suggestions regularly.

Indeed, women’s visibility at Islam Gymkhana has increased more than ever, and so do their say and involvement in important matters.

Dedication to Social Cause

Adv. Yusuf Abrahani is known to be someone who doesn’t mince words. He is honest and upfront. But away from it, he also has a tender side to his personality, which is evident in his charitable works.

He is the founder of the Social Educational Welfare Association (SEWA), which is committed to the community’s welfare on both social and educational levels.

Since its inception in 1998, it has helped over 20 thousand poor students, providing them with fees, books, uniforms, etc. Hundreds of teachers, professors, and principals have been felicitated by the NGO with SEWA AWARDs, one of the most coveted awards among the teaching community.

SEWA also feeds the hungry. “Roti Bank” is an ambitious scheme of Mr. Abrahani meant to ensure that nobody in Mumbai goes to sleep empty stomach.

Health is another area in which SEWA works to ensure hospital facilities and medicines for the poor living in the slums and shanties. In these areas, it often organizes blood donation and eye check-up camps.

During COVID, SEWA organized free vaccination drives at the community level, benefitting thousands of people. From time to time, the NGO also engages in different activities. Recently, it organized a helmet distribution program for the safe journey of riders.

Besides all that, one of the most noteworthy initiatives of Adv. Yusuf Abrahani is to launch a campaign calling for the increase in the Hadiya of Imams and Muezzins.

“It is a matter of shame for us that our Imams and Muezzins who play an important role in our lives from birth to death are paid so poorly.” Mr. Abrahani laments, adding, “They deserve a respectable Hadiya to look after themselves and their families at a time when the cost of living has gone up beyond measure.”

Thankfully, his appeal struck a chord with the community leading to a rise in the Hadiya of Imams and Muezzins at different places, not at once, but we can say a start has begun.

After becoming the President, Adv. Yusuf Abrahani identified two Imams as permanent at Islam gymkhana’s mosque and dramatically increased their compensation from a mere Rs.1,000 to Rs.15,000 monthly.

Mr. Abrahani has also led a campaign to cut down expenses on ostentatious weddings, a bane for our society. “Many girls in poor families are going unmarried for want of money. If we resist unnecessary expenditure on flashy celebrations, that amount can be utilized in marrying off four-five poor girls,” he says thoughtfully.

Islam Gymkhana Opens Arms to Charity

Through Mr. Abrahani’s efforts, Islam Gymkhana has now started spending on charity as well. “Earlier, the gymkhana was viewed as a sporting place for fun and frolic only. It took an amendment in its constitution to include charity as one of its activities,” says Mr. Abrahani.

During the peak of COVID, food packets for the poor and oxygen cylinders for needy patients were distributed in Mumbai. Workers and labourers who remained stuck in the gymkhana due to lockdowns were provided food, accommodation, and financial help.

Most significantly, Islam Gymkhana has taken a step toward a noble cause: to provide free legal aid at the grass-root level in partnership with the Global Care Foundation.

The gymkhana helps the non-habitual under–trials with legal and financial aid and rehabilitation after release.

“There are countless examples where poor offenders are in jails for years for minor crimes because they can’t pay the bail amount. If we can help them set free and provide them with a chance to reform and rehabilitate, there can’t be a more pious act than this,” Mr. Abrahani says.

Islam Gymkhana now plans to do charity for various other causes. Opening schools and colleges are ambitiously on the list, for which funds will be arranged later.

Mr. Abrahani says, “Earlier, we had started with an aim to spend at least five percent of gymkhana’s income on charitable causes, but as we expand the scope of charity, it calls for significant expenditure, which we are willing to spend anyways.”

Oratory Skill and Other Talents

Mr. Abrahani has the gift of a gag. He says, “Whatever I have achieved today as a lawyer or politician or in any other role is because of my zeal to work and speaking ability.”

Talk with him a few minutes, and it will dawn upon you that speaking is Mr. Abrahani’s natural talent. He speaks slightly fast, but it is impactful and eloquent. His speeches are rousing, disturbing, and entertaining at the same time.

His oratory skill is not dependent on a particular language. Be it Urdu, Hindi, English, or Marathi, he is equally effective in every language he speaks.

Speaking of language, Mr. Abrahani is a connoisseur of Urdu poetry. He could be seen interspersing his speeches with excellent Shairs from famous poets. Whether it is Mushaira, a book launch, or any other literary event, Mr. Abrahani will likely have a hand in it either as an organizer or a guest.

Mr. Yusuf Abrahani is also a sports enthusiast who plays Cricket, Football, Snooker, Volleyball, etc., at a good level. Interestingly, he has an interest in acting and singing too. Not many know that he has worked in plays and short films.

A Dedicated Family Man

Adv. Yusuf Abrahani is a busy man who remains surrounded by people all the time, but he makes it a point not to neglect his family. Despite his busy schedule, he likes to hang out with the family.

“Family is the first unit of society. A man not doing justice to his family can’t be a good community leader,” Mr. Abrahani says. “My family is where I get love and care and derive fuel to work for the community tirelessly.”

Mr. Abrahani says that throughout the years since his marriage, his wife Mehraj Abrahani, has been a tremendous support. “I am thankful to her for how she has managed my household and our children, allowing me time to do public works,” he says with gratitude.

Mr. Abrahani has three loving children. Two daughters, Sana Yusuf Abrahani and Sifa Yusuf Abrahani are married into eminent families, while his son, Shahzad Yusuf Abrahani, is educationally well-qualified and a successful businessman. Like his father, he also takes part in various political activities.

Shehzad Yusuf Abrahani

Shehzad Yusuf Abrahani

The children are proud of their father. His son, Shahzad, says, “My father is a family man. His level of concern and commitment toward family is impeccable. He is always there for us, encouraging, supporting, and sometimes admonishing. We appreciate his ability to not compromise with his family time despite his hectic public life commitments.”

What Maeeshat Thinks

The beleaguered Muslim community in India has many leaders, but problems afflicting the community never end. The old-school leaders are hobbling to drive the community to the path of progress the way their counterparts from other minority groups like Jains, Parsee, Punjabis, etc., are doing.

The Muslims need community leaders who have a pulse on time. Adv. Yusuf Abrahani fits the bill. He is not a status quoist but shows great interest in shaking things up. He is aggressive, innovative, and a tireless stickler to his plan and vision until success is achieved.

His achievements for the community are tremendous as a lawyer, politician, and social crusader. Moreover, as the President of Islam Gymkhana, he has successfully shown that if the leader is strong-willed and hardworking, results follow quickly, in a matter of days and months.

We at Maeeshat Media, in recognition of Mr. Abrahani’s stellar leadership qualities and excellent track record of work, believe he is a true community change maker. He has a rare ability to galvanize old and youth alike into action and transform things for the better. We wish him a great life ahead and immense success in his future endeavours.