Google, other RTB companies behind ‘biggest data breach ever recorded’

Google, other RTB companies behind ‘biggest data breach ever recorded’

On average, a person in the US has their online activity and location exposed 747 times every day by the RTB industry

London/New Delhi: Call it mother of all data security breaches as the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) on Monday revealed that Google and other internet giants are processing and passing people’s data billions of times per day via real-time-bidding (RTB) system for tracking and ad targeting.

Real-Time Bidding (RTB) operates behind the scenes on websites and apps. It tracks what you are looking at, no matter how private or sensitive, and it records where you go.

Every day, it broadcasts this data about you to a host of companies continuously, enabling them to profile you.

“RTB is the biggest data breach ever recorded. It tracks and shares what people view online and their real-world location 294 billion times in the US and 197 billion times in Europe every day,” the Irish watchdog said in its report.

Europeans and US Internet users’ private data is then sent to firms across the globe, including to Russia and China, without any means of controlling what is then done with the data.

“The RTB industry generated $117+ billion in the US and Europe in 2021,” said the ICCL.

On average, a person in the US has their online activity and location exposed 747 times every day by the RTB industry.

In Europe, RTB exposes people’s data 376 times a day.

Collectively, the ICCL estimated that US Internet users’ online behaviour and locations are tracked and shared 107 trillion times a year, while Europeans’ data is exposed 71 trillion times a year.

Still, the report said that the figures presented for RTB broadcasts were a low estimate.

“The industry figures on which we rely do not include Facebook or Amazon RTB broadcasts,” it added.

According to the report, Google allows 4,698 companies to receive RTB data about people in the US, while Microsoft may send data to 1,647 companies.

“Google is the biggest RTB company. It tracks and shares what people in the US and Europe do online and where they are at a vast scale,” the report noted.

The major concern is that ad tracking could expose personal data that can be used to identify women and people who are pregnant and/or seeking abortion services.

“Most advertising on websites and apps is placed using RTB. Advertisers spend $100 bllion per year on RTB in the US and Europe,” said the report.

Google and Microsoft were yet to react to the ICCL report.

Horrific scene in New York after fire leaves 19, including 9 kids, dead

Horrific scene in New York after fire leaves 19, including 9 kids, dead

New York: At least 19 people, including nine children, lost their lives in a major fire in New York City on Sunday, New York City Mayor Eric Adams has confirmed.

“We’ve lost 19 of our neighbors today. It’s a tragedy beyond measure. Join me in praying for those we lost, especially the 9 innocent young lives that were cut short,” Xinhua news agency quoted Adams’ tweet as saying.

He thanked the firefighters of the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) for bringing into control the fire, which broke out in a residential apartment high-rise building at 333 East 181st Street in the Bronx.

“An investigation into what happened is under way. To everyone affected by this tragedy: Your city will be with you in the days ahead,” said Adams.

The mayor said earlier on Sunday that the fire was horrific.

“Horrific Moment”

“This is a horrific, horrific, painful moment for the city of New York, and the impact of this fire is going to really bring a level of just pain and despair in our city,” he told reporters. “This is going to be one of the worst fires we have witnessed during modern times.”

Thirty-two people were sent to hospital in life-threatening conditions. In addition, nine people were also seriously injured and 22 others sustained non-life-threatening injuries. One member of service was also removed to hospital, said Adams.

FDNY Commissioner Daniel Nigro, who was at the scene together with Adams, said the fire broke out in a duplex apartment on the 2nd and 3rd floors of the apartment building. The door of the apartment was left open, enabling the fire and smoke to spread quickly in the 19-story building.

“This is indeed tragic. Units arrived within three minutes for a call of a fire in a duplex apartment. They were met in the hallway with this fire — very heavy smoke, very heavy fire. Units pushed in. The smoke extended the entire height of the building, which is very unusual. Members found victims on every floor and in stairwells and were taking them out in cardiac and respiratory arrest,” said Nigro.

“That is unprecedented in our city. How the fire started we don’t know yet. It will be investigated by FDNY fire marshals,” he added.

US: Ahmaud Arbery’s killers sentenced to life in prison without parole

US: Ahmaud Arbery’s killers sentenced to life in prison without parole

Three white men who murdered 25-year-old black jogger, Ahmaud Arbery last year in Georgia were sentenced Friday to life in prison.

Georgia Judge Timothy Walmsley denied parole to the father and son who armed themselves and hunted down Arbery. He ruled on Friday that Travis McMichael, 35, and his father, 66-year-old Gregory McMichael, would spend life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Murder carries a mandatory sentence of life in prison under Georgia law unless prosecutors seek the death penalty, which they opted against for Arbery’s killing.

For Superior Court Judge Timothy Walmsley, the main decision was whether to grant Greg and Travis McMichael and their neighbour, William “Roddie” Bryan, an eventual chance to earn parole.

The judge ordered both McMichaels to serve life without parole, AP reported.

Bryan, who filmed the deadly pursuit of Arbery, “was granted a chance of parole, but must first serve at least 30 years in prison.”

Arbery’s mother, Wanda Cooper-Jones, said that the three men who killed her son “chose to target [him] because they didn’t want him in their community. They chose to treat him differently than other people who frequently visited their community.”

Human Rights Organization calls for magnitsky sanctions against three rioters for their roles in Delhi pogrom

Human Rights Organization calls for magnitsky sanctions against three rioters for their roles in Delhi pogrom

Chicago (US)– American human rights organization, Justice For All, called on the Biden Administration to levy targeted sanctions against three Indian citizens involved in violent extremism, including their prominent roles in the attacks against minorities during the February 2020 Delhi pogrom.

The case document reflects months of work in evidence gathering and analyzing the interconnections that led to the attacks and deaths of so many in Delhi, and asks for an assets freeze and visa restrictions against perpetrators named in the file. The Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act is one of the United States’ most powerful foreign policy tools for addressing human rights abuses; since 2016 targeted sanctions have been placed on more than 300 human rights abusers although not a single person targeted is from India despite USCIRF’s recommendations.

In the filing, Justice for All provides concrete evidence that a command hierarchy was in place that precipitated what can only be described as a premeditated pogrom against Muslims, their homes and their businesses.

“To halt the growing attacks on minorities and the rising majoritarianism, the United States must take action. The Delhi pogrom was not spontaneous spur-of-the-moment violence as the Indian authorities have made it out to be. There is a rising trend of  militancy in Hindutva aligned religious organizations in India and as an organization with 25 years of anti-genocide work behind us, Justice For All is warning the world.” said Imam Abdul-Malik Mujahid, CEO and founder of Justice For All.

Zahir Adil, leader of the Save India From Fascism project at Justice For All added, “The evidence clearly indicates that these attacks were orchestrated. The United States must no longer be a mute spectator to India’s Nazi inspired playbook. Sanctions against these individuals will be a small but important message that will be noticed.”

The Delhi pogrom is indicative of the dangerous trajectory India is heading down, one in which vulnerable religious minorities particularly Muslims are targeted. The ruling BJP with its Hindutva agenda has instigated the type of violence that occurred during the Delhi pogrom. Justice for All will shortly be releasing a report on the eerie similarities between the Hindutva playbook of Modi’s majoritarian government and the Nazi playbook of Hitler’s Germany.

Justice For All is a human rights organization and an NGO with consultative status at the United Nations. Its broad mandate is to educate fellow citizens on social justice concerns and provide guidance for action through regular newsletters and extensive media engagement.


U.S. NGO names Modi among world’s seven worst persecutors, clubs RSS with Taliban and Boko Haram

U.S. NGO names Modi among world’s seven worst persecutors, clubs RSS with Taliban and Boko Haram

A reputed global Christian organization has named Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi among the world’s seven biggest persecutors of religious minorities and called for the U.S. government to impose visa and economic sanctions on India to pressure it to end that persecution.

In a report, “2021 Persecutor of the Year Awards,” released here this month, the International Christian Concern (ICC) clubbed the “Sangh Parivar,” India’s Hindu extremist movement that informs Modi’s ideology and policies, with the Taliban and the Boko Haram, and named India as one of the world’s seven biggest persecutors.

The Modi administration had overseen “a massive cultural shift” in India from a pluralistic society to Hindu nationalism, and “consistently punished all forms of dissent,” cracking down on NGOs seeking to hold it accountable, the ICC report said.“The U.S. and its allies should consider economic and visa sanctions against key decision-makers in the Modi administration,” the report said.

Also, the U.S. Congress should designate India as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC) for “engaging in and tolerating systematic, ongoing, and egregious religious freedom violations,” and also “emphasize improving religious freedom conditions at the national level with India in any future strategic or economic partnerships.”

Last week, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken declined to designate India as CPC, rejecting a recommendation from the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). Numerous organizations have condemned that decision.

Apart from Modi, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath also joined the Rogue’s Gallery of the world’s seven biggest persecutors. The others on that list include Chinese President Xi Jinping and the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-Un.

The others besides India on the country list include Nigeria, China, Myanmar and Pakistan.

The ICC and the Indian American Muslim Council collaborate in the pursuit of their advocacy towards ending religious persecution in India.

The Modi administration “frequently looked away” as its Hindu extremist allies “violently targeted” religious minorities, the report said. Modi “actively suppresses dissent through his administration and fails to hold persecutors accountable. He has sent a message throughout India that his administration will tolerate the persecution of Christians.”

Modi’s “knowing inaction” to end persecution was the “single most significant contributing factor to the dire state of religious freedom in India… that allows Hindu radicals to persecute India’s Christian minority with impunity,” the report said. There were “virtually limitless reports” of persecution of pastors, new or lifelong Christians, and whole churches by Indian officials and police. “Hindu extremists who commit acts of vandalism, violence, and even murder frequently go un-prosecuted.”

India was also “hostile” to critics such as Amnesty International, which it accused of violating foreign funding laws, just as it accuses Christian ministries, and forced it to shut operations in India. It was widely believed, the report said, that “this act was politically motivated to silence Amnesty’s criticism of the Indian government’s abuses.”

The ICC said the “Sangh Parivar’s… single ideology” of Hindutva had “a single agenda: to make India a Hindu nation,” and establish a “theocratic Hindu-majority state where religious minorities, including Christians, are relegated to second class status.”The establishment of such a state would be a “complete rejection of India’s founding principles, which provide religious freedom and equal protection to all religious groups.”

The leader of this Sangh Parivar, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), “fuels a religiously intolerant narrative that views all non-Indic faiths, like Christianity and Islam, as foreign and something to be feared,” the ICC said. The RSS demonized Christians and other religious minorities through “hateful narratives, instigating violence in the streets” and used such narratives to advocate for laws and policies that discriminated against religious minorities.

The RSS’s estimated over six million members across India in over 50,000 locations meet daily and do martial arts training which they use “against religious minorities.” Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the RSS’s political wing, used “hateful narratives” for political victories to establish India as a Hindu nation, the ICC said. The BJP used “political support garnered by these narratives” to pass discriminatory laws.

“Anti-conversion laws and cow slaughter bans name just a few of the laws and policies the BJP enacts as a part of their nationalist agenda,” the report said. “These laws also provide a legal cover under which street thugs can attack Christians with impunity.”

Another organization is the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), which “mobilizes resources within and outside India to support the Hindutva movement” and falsely accused Christian educational and health institutions of converting Hindus to Christianity, sowing a narrative that there was a conspiracy led by “Western agencies” to take over India.

“These narratives only help fuel the fires of intolerance against Christians and other religious minorities, justifying violence and discriminatory laws and policies.” The Bajrang Dal, the Sangh Parivar’s youth wing, was mobilized “as foot soldiers” to enforce the Hindutva ideology on the street attacking Christians and their places of worship, and holding rallies against Christians. “In recent years, the severity of attacks by the Bajrang Dal has increased even to the extent of targeted killings,” the ICC said.

Anti-conversion laws, forced conversions to Hinduism, blasphemy laws, state-sanctioned impunity, social boycotts, and government restrictions on foreign funding were means to target and persecute India’s Christians, the report said.

The ICC report was released by USCIRF Chair Nadine Maenza and ICC President Jeff King. IAMC’s Advocacy Director Ajit Sahi joined in releasing the report.