By Pervez Bari

BHOPAL – National Working Committee (NWC), meeting of Social Democratic Party of India (SDPI), has urged the BJP-led NDA’s Union Government to stop sabotaging and weakening of the federal system of the country.

This was one of the resolutions out of five which the SDPI passed by voice vote in its NWC meeting held on 2 & 3 November 2021 at Chennai. The meeting was presided over by SDPI national president M. K. Faizy. 

The resolution said: “India is a federal country wherein privileges and autonomy has been given to the states in many aspects. Indian Constitution has guaranteed the privileges to the states in terms of agriculture, education, law and order, tax etc. However, the Union BJP government has indulged in the authoritarian politics by intervening in the states matter. The Farm Acts enacted by the Union Government without considering the opposition by the states, the NEP (National Education Policy), without discussion with the states, non-return of states shares of GST, misusing Governors to curb the autonomy and constitutional rights of the non-BJP state governments and its Chief Ministers, abrogation of special status to the states enshrined in the Constitution etc. are the moves from the Union BJP government that sabotages the Federal system of the country”.

The resolution also criticized the Union government which has recently, issued a notification which enhanced the powers to BSF (Border Security Force) to arrest, search and seize up to 50 km from the international boundary within Assam, Wet Bengal, Punjab, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Tripura. This is another harsh blow to the federalism of our country that the states will lose their power on these boundaries.

The other resolutions passed on the occasion are as follows:

Tripura Riots is a dangerous signal: SDPI has called upon Indian society to defeat the recent Tripura riots which is a dangerous signal to protect the cordial atmosphere and integrity of the country. The party also warned the governments not to discriminate the citizens on the basis of religion and castes and act according to Indian Constitution.

The resolution said that the recent arson and mass attacks on Muslims in Tripura is a dangerous signal that the Manuvadi fascist criminals can do any extreme and terrific steps to stir-up the internal security and integrity of the country. Surprisingly, those Manuvadi fascists had been allowed to arson and attack the Muslims in Tripura by the police. The rallies with venomous slogans organized by Sanghi elements were permitted by the police that instigated to do any crime against Muslims. The reckless attitude of the BJP governments to maintain law and order is extremely condemnable.

Earlier, the Darrang (Assam) incident of forceful eviction of hundreds of Muslim families was also a serious concern. The Assam BJP government is all set to intimidate Muslims and conspiring “infiltration” theory to raid and evict them. Police firing on to the chest of the protestors and jumping on the dead body by a photo journalist indicates that the minds are filled with hate and cruelty.

Stop Attacks on Christians: SDPI has warned the BJP governments not to indulge in attacks on Christians and their Churches and shall take stringent action against such hatred perpetrators.

The continuous reports of attacks on Christians and their Churches along with priests and nuns from various states are of serious concern. The Karnataka BJP government has ordered to collect the report of ‘conversion’ in churches since last 25 years is nothing but humiliation of Christians and an attack on their liberty and dignity. The incidents of vandalizing the churches in Karnataka and Jharkhand along with assault on priests and nuns in many parts of the country have created insecurity in the minds of Christian brethren in this country.  The Sanghi leaders have been openly calling upon the people to attack the Christians for the sake of Hindutva. Yet, no action has been taken on them by the government.

Skyrocketing Prices Faltered Indians Life:  SDPI has warned the governments to reduce the Skyrocketing prices immediately otherwise the people will come to the streets to fight the tyranny of the regime.

The resolution said that India ranks 101 among 107 countries in terms of hunger, and continues to be in the ‘severe’ hunger category according to the Global Hunger Index 2021. However, the Indian government is highly negligent on the living conditions of its citizens and dangerously facilitating crony capitalists to loot money from the common people.

One Year of Farmers Agitations: SDPI has expressed its appreciation to farmers for their steadfastness and commitment over the fight for justice and dignity throughout the year. The party extended support to the farmers’ agitation and asks the government to fulfill the demands of the farmers immediately.

The farmers have been agitating since last one year at Singhu border near Delhi demanding withdrawal of Farm Acts. More than 700 farmers lost their life during this agitation. Their steadfastness in opposing the Farm Acts facing Police excesses and extreme weather conditions shows that how they are determined in their opposition against the draconian Farm Laws. The Union BJP Government has indulged in making politics over the farmers’ lives to facilitate the crony capitalists and pursues with callous and adamant policy in considering the demands of the farmers, the resolution said.

National Vice Presidents Adv. Sharfuddeen Ahmad & Prof. Nazneen Begum, Dehlan Baqavi; National Gen. Secretaries Elyas Muhammad Thumbe, Mohammad Shafi & Abdul Majeed Mysore; Secretaries Yasmin Farooqui, Sitaram Koiwal, Alfonse Franco & Dr. Mehbub Shareef Awad and other members of the committee were present in the meeting.