Syed Sadatullah Husaini supports demand for independent judicial probe into recent encounter deaths

NEW DELHI – Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) President Syed Sadatullah Husaini has expressed concern over reports of human rights violations in Jammu and Kashmir.

In a media statement issued on Sunday, the JIH President said: “We are extremely concerned after reading the recent reports of civilian deaths in encounters in Kashmir. We are also disturbed to know that the families of those killed had to face great difficulties and delays in getting their bodies. The arrest of a prominent human rights activist by the NIA is also quite disconcerting. Terming civilians caught in the cross-fire, as part of the Over the Ground Worker (OGW) network, does not add to the credibility of the police which is not exactly very high in the eyes of the general public”.

Husaini said: “we support the demand of independent judicial probe into the encounter that resulted in the death of civilians and justice should be done accordingly. The perception that exists in the minds of the Kashmiris that the government is trying to shield the guilty officials and soldiers and not ready to take any action against them will be further strengthened if such incidents keep occurring without any consequence and action by the government. Jamaat-e-Islami Hind would like to reiterate our long-standing position that the affairs of Jammu and Kashmir must be resolved by talks, consultation and dialogue with the people of the state and their representatives. Upholding democratic values and democratic institutions seems to be on the decline and it needs to be revived and strengthened. We wish to remind the government of its promise and responsibility to restore statehood and conduct elections at the earliest”.