Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee confirmed on Friday that she would participate in the central think-tank NITI Aayog meeting scheduled on July 27 in Delhi, clearing the air over the speculated uncertainty on whether she, too, would skip the meet like most other CMs of the INDIA bloc.
Addressing reporters at the Kolkata airport before leaving for Delhi, Banerjee said she would join the meeting and register her protest against a “discriminatory budget” and the “conspiracy to divide Bengal and other opposition-ruled states.”
“I was asked to send my written speech seven days ahead of the meeting which I have done. That was before the Union Budget was tabled.
“If I get an opportunity to deliver my speech at the meeting and record my protest against the discrimination and political bias against the opposition-ruled states besides the conspiracy that is being hatched to divide Bengal and its neighbouring states, I will do so. Else, I will walk out of the meeting,” the chief minister said.