1st AGM of ICCI held at India Islamic Cultural Centre, New Delhi, and planed future program
New Delhi: “Over the centuries, great nations have been known through their successful and prosperous communities that make up the nation. Our wonderful country, a vibrant, multi-cultural democracy is on the verge of greatness: hopefully on the road to becoming an economic super-power by 2030” said Syed Aun Safawi President – ICCI, who was addressing the meeting.
According to president “The Imamia community in India, like millions of dalits and minorities, has not truly benefited from the growth that the country has seen in the first 6-7 decades post-Independence. According to the Justice Sachar committee report on the status of minorities in India, almost 35% of dalits and minorities still live below the poverty line and the level of graduates or technically qualified is an abysmal 3% and 1.6% respectively. Sources of formal employment are few and availability of financial supports for entrepreneurs a challenge. This needs to change”.
M.Q.Syed executive President ICCI shared the achievement of the ICCI for the financial year 2014-15. He said “Nine Business Seminars in one year saw renowned community speakers taking out time to address very well attended gatherings of community, more than two thousand attendees listened 42 speakers in different seminars which took place in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Maharashtra.” Small groups of community youth learned from experts on how to create a business plan add innovation and productivity in their work culture and succeed in their commercial life “he added.
He further said “ICCI volunteers and paid promoters communicated through Leaflets, Announcements, IBR, Online invitation, Calendars and using Personal relations to enroll Paid, Women and Youth (18-21 years) members and more than four thousand youths aware our activities in different places of India”.
“ICCI signed exclusive MOU with DLink Academy to impart courses on “Employability Test” and “Skill Development”; much is left to execute the essence of this MOU across the country in coming days. Karnataka Chapter has signed a similar MOU for “Virtual Education” for the community with Bangalore based 360 Degree Learning.” He further added.
According to executive president “ICCI’s first incubator from its Mumbai Centre served and facilitated new Entrepreneurs with office space, small funding and other support to community startups. Many member job seekers were also employed through ICCI incubator and member’s network. We have created 26 Workstation/ Office Space ,16 Small Funding for startups, 07 Virtual office for startups and adopted one Entrepreneur in full capacity, more than hundreds Employment through ICCI took place and 20 students benefited through foreign Scholarship program.”
“Four issues of ‘Imamia Business Review’ reached to all members and even non-members providing information on ICCI activities and also about ‘Imamia Business Community’ from across the world. Meanwhile, the www.icci.co.in website provided detailed information on the organization, committees, events, announcements to assist its members and other visitors. Although the website is yet to be revamped/refreshed, the hits are quite encouraging where we received regular membership requests and assistance needed by the community businesses.” Qayam said