Bengaluru: Karnataka health minister Dinesh Gundurao disclosed that the state has reported 68,450 new HIV cases in the past year. This announcement came during the launch of the two-month International Youth Day and HIV Prevention Campaign, organised by the health department to raise awareness about HIV among the public, particularly the youth.
Despite a nationwide decline in the spread of HIV, Karnataka continues to see significant numbers. Out of the 24.44 lakh people infected with HIV across India, 2.28 lakh are from Karnataka. Currently, 1.91 lakh of these individuals are receiving regular treatment, the minister noted.
Minister Gundurao emphasised the goal of reducing new HIV infections to zero. He stressed the importance of safety measures during sexual activity, particularly for young people, who are often at higher risk.
The minister clarified that being diagnosed with HIV does not equate to a death sentence; with regular treatment, individuals can lead healthy lives. He also pointed out that high rates of infection are often linked to polygamy and unprotected sex.