Jairam Ramesh alleged that the CCI was passive while approving Adani Group’s acquisitions, which built “monopolies” in ports, airports, power, and cement, often “using threats and intimidation.”
NEW DELHI – The Congress on Wednesday questioned the Competition Commission of India over its approval of all acquisitions by the Adani Group, asking why such institutions “remained passive” as the conglomerate built “monopolies” in critical infrastructure sectors, raising prices at consumers’ expense.
Congress general secretary in-charge communications Jairam Ramesh said the Competition Commission of India (CCI) has reportedly raised concerns that the proposed Reliance-Disney merger could stifle competition, .
“It is a good time to reflect on how the CCI should have also had the courage to address how the non-biological PM’s other favourite business conglomerate is acquiring companies and reducing competition across various industries,” he said in a post on X.