Jordanian-SaudiAmman, (IINA) : Saudi Ambassador to Jordan Prince Khalid bin Faisal Al Saud said that the value of Jordanian-Saudi trade cooperation has exceeded $10 billions.

Stressing that Amman-Riyadh are bound by brotherly ties, he said that both countries are on the same page in terms of Arab and international issues.

He valued the key role Jordan plays in serving humanitarian issues, particularly Arab ones, highlighting the financial, socio-economic and political burdens being shouldered by Jordan as a result of hosting the Syrian refugees, Petra news reproted.

The ambassador also spoke about this year’s pilgrimage season and said safety measures taken this year could not have been smooth without the cooperation of all pilgrims, as well as efforts of Hajj officials. “Facts have proven that this year’s Hajj was remarkable because instigators and those who tampered with previous pilgrimages were willingly absent this year,” said the ambassador.

“Having failed to politicize the Hajj and impose their own terms, they resorted to sedition of internationalization of pilgrimage, and this is a red line for Saudi Arabia’s King, government and people, that we will not allow anyone to cross,” added the envoy.