A vast majority of our country is not in favour of a divided country which the present Government is trying to bring ,though they have come to power with only 31 percent votes.
This vast majority consists of liberal populace, amongst the urban elites and intelligentsia as well as Farmers, Dalits, Muslims, and Adivasis of our vast populace country.
Our present rulers are creating a mass hysteria of communal hatred, and bringing chaos and lawlessness in the country.
What should have been fruitful for our country, on the other hand would , to unite all the factions under one stadium and let them run the race of cooperating and competing.
Gautam Adhikari writing in TOI , has beautifully described in an article ” come together and compete” the advantages of such a team work.
He gives three examples . One of a football team of Argentina under leadership of a single super hero Messi, and another of Germany under Hitler. third of Beatles partners John Lennon and McCartney.
“Hitler had a short lived success, but disastrous outcomes for the world.” he writes.
” Germany today is a story of remarkable achievement built on a foundation of quiet cooperation and painstaking teamwork.”
His advice for our country ” our nation is too complex for a single point of leadership. It is a team of diverse ethnic , religious and linguistic groups playing together under the broad guidelines of a liberal democratic constitution.
“Each group , or sub-nation, must be allowed its space and opportunity to compete.” He advises.
Now, it is up to us to decide, which way we want to go.