Former Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar and RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav launched a scathing attack on Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma today, criticizing the state government for abolishing the two-hour break during Assembly proceedings, which was traditionally used by Muslim MLAs for Friday prayers. Tejashwi compared Himanta to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, suggesting that Sarma is trying to become a “Chinese version of Yogi.”
Expressing his displeasure over the decision, Tejashwi Yadav took to X, stating, “Assam’s Chief Minister constantly engages in actions that deliberately harass Muslims in an attempt to gain cheap popularity and become the Chinese version of Yogi Adityanath.”
Targeting the BJP, the RJD leader wrote in his post that the party has made Muslim brothers a soft target to spread hatred, grab Modi-Shah’s attention, and polarize society. “Everyone except the RSS contributed to the country’s freedom,” Tejashwi wrote, emphasizing the sacrifices made by Muslims in the struggle for independence. “Our Muslim brothers have made sacrifices for the freedom of this country, and as long as we are here, no one can harm them.”
Earlier, Tejashwi had criticized the Assam government’s decision, accusing Himanta Biswa Sarma and the BJP of seeking cheap popularity through actions that target Muslims. “BJP has made Muslims a soft target. Whether it’s the Waqf Board Bill or the introduction of CAA and NRC, BJP finds ways to harass minorities and spread hatred in society,” Tejashwi said.
The criticism comes in the wake of the Assam Assembly’s recent move to abolish the British-era tradition of providing a two-hour break on Fridays, which was traditionally utilized by Muslim MLAs for Friday prayers. The Assembly has amended Rule 11 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business, effectively removing this special arrangement for Friday sessions.