“World Halal Day” going to organize in Pondicherry
By our Correspondent,maeeshat.in
Mumbai: (Maeeshat News) Halal food or products are those which are lawful according to Shariah law, for Muslims to consume. Today, varieties of products and their derivatives are available in the market leaving big question for the Muslims, if these products are Halal and they refrain themselves from consuming it. There is other scenario as well where Muslims are unknowingly consuming Non-Halal products due to lack of knowledge about the product. The Halal nature of direct products could be determined easily but for bi-products or derivatives for example Toothpaste, Soaps, and other Cosmetics it becomes very difficult to determine. In such situation, the role of agencies or institution becomes very important, which can certify the product available in the market is Halal after performing test in the laboratories. Such Halal certifying institutions has garnered attention in American and European countries, consumers in these countries has accepted these agencies and perceive them as beneficial. There are many Halal food certifying agencies working in these countries which has laboratories for performing tests on these products which includes food products and their derivatives, Cosmetics and medicine.
Since the Halal product concept was very well perceived in American and European countries, it is believed that India being the second the largest Muslim populated country provide potential market for such products. It would help Indian Muslims in consuming those product which they otherwise refrain themselves from using raising question about its Halal nature.
To promote the Halal product concept in India, United World Halal Development, Singapore under the patronage of Mr. Mohammad Jinna is organizing “World Halal Day” in India. Every year, United World Halal Development organizes world “Halal day” in different countries, this year they have chosen India.
The event will be held at Pondicherry, India on November 1st 2015 and the theme for this year event is “Hunger Free, Clean & Green Pondicherry by 2030”. There would be around 35+ eminent speakers from across the Globe who would be speaking at the World Halal Day event this year. From environmental scientists to social activists there would be speakers from varied backgrounds and expertise who would be addressing the gathering at the event.
- Jamal Al-Shehab is an Ex-Minister of Justice, Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, Kuwait
- Ms Leza Parker is an award winning CEO and a Young Entrepreneur from Singapore
- Hani Mansour Al-Mazeedi is an Associate Research Scientist from Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait
- Winai Dahlan is the Founder Director of The Halal Science Center University of Chulalongkorn, Thailand
- Saravanan Ramalingam is an award winning Research Scientist and the Chairman of BMERF India
- Muhamed Meeran is the- COO of Halal India, India.
- Umar Munshi, CEO of ClubEthis, Singapore
- Aldin Dugonjić is the Executive Director of Halal Certification Services, Croatia
- Zalira Akmal Ariffin is the CEO of TIARA TV, A Malaysian Halal Lifestyle TV Channel and Ecommerce Site
- Amal Khalil Kabalan is from Halal Certification Services, Argentina, Khadamat Integrated Solutions Private Limited