Saudi Women

JEDDAH: The Ministry of Labor has decided to allow Saudi women to become chefs at hotels.

However, it would continue to ban them from working in these positions at furnished apartments because they are often exploited to work as receptionists or in other jobs, a local publication has reported.

Many Saudi women have become famous for preparing food, with several posting their creations on social networking sites such as Instagram and Facebook. Many have also started their own food production and delivery businesses.

One hotel owner said many hotels, especially five-star facilities, target foreign tourists. “Seventy five percent of visitors at these hotels are foreigners. Therefore, hotels prefer to hire foreign chefs for their experience in preparing international cuisine including local food. However, hotels in the Kingdom that prefer local food can benefit from the services of Saudi women,” he said.

Hotels have become accustomed to recruiting foreign chefs because of their experience in producing cuisine from nations across the world.