Mumbai: Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that he looks forward to his visit to Mumbai and Palghar in Maharashtra on Friday for a series of engagements, including laying the foundation stone for the ambitious Vadhvan Port and addressing the Global Fintech Fest-2024.
“…I will take part in the Global Fintech Fest 2024 at around 11 AM. This platform showcases India’s strides in the world of Fintech and brings together key stakeholders of the sector. Thereafter, I will be in Palghar for the foundation stone laying programme of the Vadhvan Port project. This is a very important project, signifying our commitment to port-led development and to the progress of Maharastra,” said PM Modi in the post.
In Palghar, PM Modi will perform the ground-breaking ceremony for the prestigious greenfield Vadhvan Port, coming up for Rs 76,220 crore, including land acquisition costs.
Expected to become a growth engine in the coming years along India’s western coast, on completion, the all-weather Vadhvan Port with a deep draft will be one of the top ten seaports in the world.
The PM will preside over the foundation stone laying ceremony at CIDCO Grounds in Palghar around 140 km from downtown Mumbai, near the Maharashtra-Gujarat state boundary.