Jamat e Islami

India’s biggest challenge and responsibility in the current year will be to work together to eradicate the scourge of hatred and polarisation, says Jamaat chief

NEW DELHI — Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) on Saturday opposed the ‘love jihad’ laws being enacted in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-ruled states by asserting that “these laws are one of the many ways to keep the flames of “anti-minorityism” or Islamophobia alive”.

In a press statement, the Jamaat said the various laws and ordinances were being passed in five states governed by the ruling party in the name of ‘unlawful religious conversion’ as it endangered the freedom of conscience and the right to profess practice and propagate religion under Article 25 of the Constitution.

Jamaat feels that such laws are being promulgated for strengthening the agenda of hate and polarisation, adding that these laws will not stand the test of legality and adherence to the constitutional norms and expects it to be struck down by the judiciary.

Jamaat , concerned about the recent passage of the anti-cow slaughter law by Karnataka, said the law would lead to farmer distress as well as cripple the dairy industry.

Jamaat is of the opinion that India’s biggest challenge and responsibility in the current year will be to work together to eradicate this menace and the scourge of hatred and polarisation. There is a growing trust-deficit between the government and the people especially the minorities, the Dalits and the socially and economically disadvantaged. There should be a people’s movement that works for unity and the removal of hate. Civil society, religious leaders and organizations, social activists along with the youth, students and people at large must join hands and pledge to make the year 2021 the year of peace and tolerance.

Safety of Journalists

JIH expresses concern over a report by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) which states that India is one of the top five deadliest countries for journalists and media persons. India witnessed the murder of four journalists in 2020. Five journalists were detained. Jamaat endorses the statement by RSF that: “World’s violence continues to be visited upon journalists. Some may think that journalists are just the victims of the risks of their profession, but journalists are increasingly targeted when they investigate or cover sensitive subjects. What is being attacked is the right to be informed, which is everyone’s right.”

India ranks 142 in the World Press Freedom Index, below Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, and even occupied Palestine. Several media houses and seasoned journalists have acknowledged publicly that there is an undeclared censorship on sensitive stories and reports, which are extremely critical of the government. A free press and the safety of journalists lies at the heart of a healthy democracy and Jamaat appeals to all sections of society and those at the helm of power to preserve democracy by ensuring a free and fearless media.

JIH Shariah Council fatwa regarding covid vaccine

Various pharmaceutical companies worldwide are coming out with covid-19 vaccines and some countries have even launched their immunisation programmes. India, too, has announced that vaccination will begin soon and pharma companies are preparing for the vaccine rollout. However, certain reports that the vaccine contains the extract of pork fat have raised concerns among the Muslim community.

In this background, the Shariah Council of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind has issued some guidelines regarding the permissibility of using covid-19 vaccines under Islamic law. According to the Shariah Council, Islam has clearly outlined the limits of what is permissible and what is impermissible. It is mandatory to abide by these prohibitions even during the treatment of ailments or while taking medications. The use of any forbidden substance as a medicine is therefore prohibited. However, if an impermissible substance is transformed into something completely different in terms of properties and characteristics, then it may be considered as clean and permissible.

On this basis, the use of gelatin derived from the body part of a haram animal has been considered permissible by Islamic jurists. Opinion of some jurists about pork gelatin is the same. Even those jurists, who disagree with the above transformation rule, too sanction a vaccine which contains prohibited substances in case of unavailability of halal vaccines, in dire and emergency situations to protect human life. The source of ingredients of the popular vaccines, which have been made public, is not yet known with certainty. After becoming fully aware of it, further guidelines regarding its use or non-use will be issued.

Farmers’ protest and MSP

Jamaat-e-Islami Hind supports the farmers’ demand that the government should repeal the three laws passed in Parliament that deal with MSP, contract farming and essential commodities. Jamaat agrees with the protesting farmers’ point of view that the new laws will end the MSP support unless there is a legal guarantee of procurement at MSP, the new laws will pave the way for corporates and multinationals to dictate prices in the market, which will be quite less compared to the MSP.

This will hurt the small farmers and destroy the ‘mandi’ system, which allows the farmer to sell his produce at the nearest local market. The state-run Food Corporation of India procures a majority of wheat and paddy at MSP and then sells it to the poor at subsidised prices. The new laws will disrupt this system and impact our Public Distribution System. Jamaat hopes that the government ends its intransigence over the farm laws and ensures that the welfare of the farmers and farm-laborers is not disturbed.