New Delhi: Professional networking platform LinkedIn on Tuesday launched a new video experience in India, in a bid to tap into one of the fastest-growing markets with uploads growing 60 per cent year-on-year in the country.
The platform currently has more than 130 million members in India.
It has witnessed a 20 per cent year-on-year growth in both membership and engagement — the highest in the world for the platform.
LinkedIn’s new interactive swipe-based video experience aims to help professionals explore a wide array of knowledge content.
The new feature also comes at a time when 60 per cent of India’s Internet users (more than 350 million) are consuming video content.
“Video is one of the fastest growing formats for us with uploads growing 60 per cent year-on-year in India. We are seeing incredible engagement from our members, who are increasingly using LinkedIn to stay updated on job trends, build networks, and gain knowledge. Every minute on LinkedIn, nearly 6 people are hired, over 9,000 connections form, and more than 100 hours of learning content is consumed,” said Ajay Dutta, Head of Product Management at LinkedIn India, in a statement.