New Delhi, May 29,2024:  Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk on Wednesday attacked Microsoft-owned largest professional network LinkedIn, saying this platform is “so cringe it will make your toenails curl”, as the billionaire aims to bring job search on his X platform.

While LinkedIn has nearly 1 billion members in more than 200 countries, Musk-owned X social media platform has reached 600 million monthly active users (MAUs).

Reacting to an X user Alex Cohen who posted that “I hate LinkedIn with a passion”, Musk said that “LinkedIn is so cringe it will make your toenails curl”.

The brief interaction between them invited a barrage of responses from Musk’s X followers.

“The biggest difference between X and LinkedIn is that people tend to be their real selves on X. On LinkedIn, too many people are posting as if HR is breathing down their necks,” an X user commented.

The tech billionaire is aiming to roll out a job search feature, allowing users to find jobs directly on the X platform.

Elon Musk’s AI company last year started posting job listings on its page via @XHiring in the US.