RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat, speaking at an event on Thursday to mark the centenary year of Shankar Dinkar Kane, popularly known as Bhaiyyaji, said that no one should declare themselves to be god. Kane, known for his work towards children’s education in Manipur, was honoured during the event.
Bhagwat stated, “The people should decide whether there is God in you.”
Highlighting the country’s strengths, Bhagwat noted, “Patriotism and diversity are our strengths. Patriotism goes to sleep, on and off. Everyone should remember that as a nation, we are one, and that sentiment is important.” He urged people to draw inspiration from national icons and contribute significantly to the country.
Addressing the ongoing conflict in Manipur, Bhagwat acknowledged the severe impact on the region, stating, “The current conflict has hit Manipur hard, taking several lives and disturbing peace. The situation is challenging for the locals and outsiders who work there.”
He said that RSS volunteers are actively working to bridge divides and restore peace by engaging in dialogues with local warring factions to build trust and harmony.
“In such a challenging scenario, RSS volunteers are putting in their might to bring the warring groups together and ensure peace. The RSS is regularly holding dialogues with local warring factions and trying to win their trust,” he said.