Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan addressing a Press conference in Bhopal after his return from the US visit

 By Pervez Bari for Maeeshat

Bhopal : Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said governments of Japan, Singapore, UK and UAE will be official partner countries for Global Investors’ Summit (GIS) to be hosted by the state government in Indore this October.

Addressing a Press conference here Chief Minister Chouhan claimed to have signed memorandum of understandings, (MoUs), with several IT firms worth Rs.1,000 crore that would create 10,000 jobs.

Chouhan said: “For the first time, governments of all these countries have announced to send their official delegations to participate in the GIS. Up till now, we had been facing difficulties in trying to get a partner country for our investment summits”. He said work is going on implementation of around 2.5 lakh proposals received in previous GIS.

It may be mentioned here that the Chief Minister had led a delegation to the USA to attract prospective investors to the state ahead of the GIS in October. Back from his five-day US visit, Chouhan informed that at least 200 US-based companies are expected to participate in the forthcoming the GIS in Indore.

Affordable bone marrow transplant hospital in MP

Chouhan revealed a list of companies and top executives with whom he had meetings in New York and those who have assured to invest in Madhya Pradesh. He said that the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, department of paediatrics had met him in New York and expressed their desire to start an affordable bone marrow transplant hospital in Madhya Pradesh. The Madhya Pradesh Trade and Investment Facilitation Corporation Limited has inked a deal with paediatrics department to this effect.

“Bone marrow transplant is a very expensive treatment and patients have to be referred to the US or other foreign countries for treatment,” Chouhan said. “Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons want to start a cheaper and affordable bone marrow transplant unit for children. We will make a road map for implementation of this project.”

Cooperation in services to Suffering Humanity

 Very important proposals have been received in Health and Social Sectors, implementation of such proposals will become important steps towards services to the suffering humanity. The world renowned medicine manufacturing company Pfizer has shown interest to work with the health department under the CSR programme for early detection of cancer. Health department will work with the company for early detection of cancer especially in the schedule caste and tribe dominated areas.

Geeld Science Incorporated Company which manufactures low cost medicines for cancer, AIDS, Hepatitis C is producing medicine in the state though some pharma companies. Workshop will be organized by the company about the treatment of very dangerous disease Hepatitis C to train government doctors.

Shankar Eye Foundation Trust has given the proposal for allotment of two acre land at Indore city for establishment of charitable eye hospital. Free eye operation of 25 thousand patients will be done in a year and common citizens will be provided world class medical treatment at low rates. Directives have been given to allot two acre land to the trust.

President of American Association of Physician of Indian Origin, the largest association of Indian doctors in America Ajay Lodha has given the proposal for the establishment of trauma centre at Badwani and Indore. Consent has been given for it. Association has expressed to give complete training to the paramedical staff, police personnel, government employees and drivers etc. for primary treatment for the victims of train accidents, road accidents which have given consent. Also guidelines principles as regard to give treatment in case of serious injuries will be issued by the company.

Meanwhile, Help Me See, a Non-Government Organisation, (NGO), has expressed its willingness to train doctors for high technology for the treatment of eyes in the state.

Another pharmaceutical giant, Pfizer, proposed to work shoulder-to-shoulder with the state health department for early detection of cancer. He said the trip to the US has achieved a milestone in the social and health sector.

He said: “In the food processing sector, Coca Cola has expressed interest to invest in the state, but on certain conditions, which are being looked into by a team of officials.”

He said the state government has signed MOUs with UST Global, Netlink and Dawat Food, while a small and medium industrial unit of China has also proposed to set up an industrial park in the state over 500 acre. “Land will be provided to them near Gwalior and Indore. A Chinese delegation will visit the state next week,” he said.

Chetan Khadaria, a successful entrepreneur, gave proposal for making of wireless transponders for very high frequency wireless services. Capital investment of Rs.650 crore will be done and on allotment of spectrum, unit for making of transponders will be set up in the state. Progress rail company gave its proposal on making of rail components. The company will set up its unit of making rail components in the state. Coca-Cola is setting up its unit costing Rs.750 crores in the state.

 Investment in Industrial park

CASMI (China Association of Small and Medium Enterprise) will set up industrial park on 500 acre land, for investment by Chinese companies. The association was informed about land near Gwalior and Indore. A team will visit Indore and Gwalior next week. The investment, selection of place, estimates of infrastructure will be informed further. The association will visit GIS with 50 delegates of small industries.

Capital Investment through Tender

Under the proposals for capital investment through tender for infrastructure in state, Diana Green Environmental Protection Group will participate in the tender process for potable water and power production from urban solid waste in the urban bodies of the state. Capital investment will also be made by the group in the low cost high technology projects. Xylem – This company has also given its consent for capital investment through tender in sewage treatment plants, potable water supply, water distribution infrastructure projects in the urban bodies. Summit Reliance company will take part for low cost housing under the housing for all project and Sunlight Financial Services will participate in Solar Power tenders.

Chouhan also said a US company has offered up to $3 billion loan to Madhya Pradesh at a nominal interest rate for setting up infrastructural projects. “The finance department is looking into the fine print of the offer,” he said.

He stressed that Madhya Pradesh is no longer an unknown investment destination. He said the image formed about the state in foreign countries has changed significantly. He said that foreign companies now consider the state as a viable business opportunity. Former US ambassador to India Frank G Wisner attended Madhya Pradesh business seminar in New York with representatives from 100 companies. We had one-on-one dialogue with 25 companies. Two hundred business delegates have assured to attend the GIS.