New Delhi, 12th December 2024: The Department of Medical Elementology and Toxicology (SCLS) and Research Development Cell (RDC), Jamia Hamdard successfully inaugurated 4th Asian Congress for Alternatives to Animal Experiments and 7th Annual Meeting of the Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments – India. The inaugural session of three days International conference started at 10:00 AM on 12th December, 2024 at Hamdard Convention Centre, New Delhi, where Shri Utkarsh Verma Madhur, Hon’ble Member of Parliament – Lok Sabha graced the occasion as Chief Guest of the programme.
The inaugural function started with welcome address of Prof. Suhel Parvez, Dean, School of Chemical and Life Sciences followed by Inaugural address by Prof. S. Raisuddin, Director (IQAC & RDC) and Organizing Secretary of 4ACAAE. Prof. Raisuddin appraised the audience and guests about the objectives of the conference and introduction of the Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments, especially the contribution of Prof. M.A. Akbarsha (Guest of Honour of the Programme) for the development of the Society. He also elaborated on the facilities developed at Jamia Hamdard in the field of Alternative Models of Experiments like Drosophila, C. Elegans and Zebra Fish. He thanked Janab Hammad Ahmed Saheb, Chancellor, Jamia Hamdard and Prof. (Dr.) M. Arshad Alam, Vice-Chancellor, Jamia Hamdard for their patronage and support for organizing this conference. He highlighted the need of Validation Centres for Alternative Experimental Models in India and on behalf of Hon’ble Member of Parliament he assured to have Government’s support for establishment of such Validation Centres. He appreciated the financial support received from Hamdard National Foundation, Department of Science and Technology, CSIR and other funding agencies for awareness creation regarding alternative models.
Prof. Y. K. Gupta, President, Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments graced the occasion with his valuable speech. He deliberated on the important steps taken in the field of Alternative Models. He advocated the use of experimental animals wherever it’s a must only, otherwise we should use alternative models and should also explore the new models for experiments.
Prof. M. A. Akbarsha in his speech thanked international societies of Australia, Japan, Korea and other countries for their support to the development of Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments – India. He informed that presently having more than 100 life members in SAAE working for minimizing the use of Animals in scientific experiments.
Dr. A.K Pradhan, Guest of Honour, Advisor CDSCO and Former Jt. DCGI congratulatedthe entire fraternity of Jamia Hamdard for choosing a very crucial topic for the conference. He informed the Govt. of India in 2014 restricted the use of animals in cosmetics, he also elaborated the historical landmarks of regulations for animal use, India is very proactive for adopting Alternative Models.
Dr. Mukesh Kumar Gupta, Director, ICMR – National Animal Resource Facility for Biomedical Research, Hyderabad in his speech focused that millions of animals are sacrificed every year in the name of animal experiments. He also elaborated that if a drug is failed in animal study, it may still work in human beings.
Hon’ble Member of Parliament Shri Utkarsh Verma Madhur in his speech focused the Indian traditions and culture focusing the animal loving culture of India. He highlighted that in India animals like Cows are considered Holy and are worshiped. He urged the scientific community to minimize the use of animals in research, using the simulation technologies this can be achieved easily. He also informed that the Dudhwa National Park and many sanctuaries exist in his Parliamentary Constituency where natives of these areas are friendly dwelling with animals. He assured that he will pass this message of animal protection to his fellow parliamentarians and will be instrumental to formulate regulations for the same.
Prof. Asghar Ali, Officiating Vice-Chancellor, Jamia Hamdard appreciated the organizing committee for successful organization of the conference and encouraged the scientists for intellectual connect and work as catalyst for long lasting collaborations.
Dr. M.A Sikandar, Registrar, Jamia Hamdard proposed vote of thanks to the Guests, Delegates, Sponsoring agencies and participants. He also appreciated the Teachers, Students and Volunteers of the conference for their untiring efforts for the success of the conference. More than 200 delegates from different countries including 12 experts from South Korea, Japan, Australia, UK, USA, Sri Lanka, Russia and Republic of China.