New Delhi: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Tuesday announced a Rs 1.52 lakh crore allocation for agriculture and allied sectors in 2024-25, outlining a comprehensive plan to boost research, promote sustainable farming, enhance oilseed and pulse production and integrate technology in the agricultural landscape.
In her Budget speech, Sitharaman emphasised the need for a thorough review of the agriculture research setup to enhance productivity and develop climate-resilient crop varieties.
“Our government will undertake a comprehensive review of the agriculture research set up to bring the focus on raising productivity and developing climate resilient varieties,” the finance minister said.
“As announced in the interim budget, a strategy is being put in place to achieve ‘atmanirbharta’ for oil seeds, such as mustard, groundnut, sesame, soybean, and sunflower,” Sitharaman said.
The government’s emphasis on research and crop diversification comes alongside a push for sustainable farming practices.
Sitharaman announced an initiative to bring 1 crore farmers into natural farming over the next two years, supported by certification and branding efforts.