Mumbra JIH SeminarMumbra: The 4th Micro and Small Business Summit and Made in Mumbra Exhibition was successfully organized by Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) Mumbra on Sunday, the 3rd of April outside Mumbra Railway station.

Seminar sessions on various government schemes for existing and beginner entrepreneurs were conducted. The Central Government’s Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises- Development Institute (MSME-DI) Assistant Director Mr Vinay Kumar shared in-depth knowledge of the activities being held by MSME. He gave details on how Mumbra businessmen and entrepreneurs can advance their businesses by registering their companies with MSME, which provides assistance with startups, training, sale and exports.

Chamber of Commerce of Small scale Industries Association (COSIA) Vice President Mr. Vinay Agwan provided very useful information related to training & skill development of required workforce and offered that they can help entrepreneurs to quote tenders in all government related projects. He said that COSIA offers their services to those entrepreneurs who finds difficulty dealing with Government employees and paper work.  He emphasized to get registered with COSIA and MSME as well as Udyog AADHAR.

Mr Ashraf Muhammadi of Rehbar Financial consultant Pvt. Ltd. sketched an excellent map on Interest  Free Islamic Banking and the benefits one can avail therefrom. They offer both services- investment opportunities for investors and business loans to the Mumbra businessmen . “Interest free banking brings investors and businessmen closer and both are benefitted”, averred Mr Ashraf.

A special session on Opportunities for Women was also held, in which COSIA’s General Secretary Mr. Ninad Yayant and Mr. Sajit Nair of Yuva Parivartan emphasized upon women empowerment and opportunities for women such as tailoring, cake making, bakery products, other businesses which can be run from home.

The Made in Mumbra exhibition saw more than 35 business from Mumbra exhibiting their industrial ventures in neatly placed stalls. It was a win-win deal for both- the exhibitors as well the visitors, many of whom were astonished to witness the high level of entrepreneur skills among local businessmen. More than 5000 people visited this 12 hour exhibition with more than just inspiration and high spirits to take back home. Indeed, as previous such summits have shown, budding businessmen get to learn about new avenues and opportunities here, allowing them to expand and strengthen their enterprises.

Mr. Zafar Ansari, a senior member of JIH from Mumbra, is certain that apart from being directly beneficial to the business class, such programs also serve to highlight the wide spectrum of Islam- that it is not merely confined to masajids, but is here to solve the issues of all mankind. Speaking to this scribe, he called upon other units and organizations to emulate such gestures.