By Abdul Bari Masoud

New Delhi: In the wake of Tripura anti- Muslim violence and continued hate incidents, the Communist Party of India (Marxist) on Sunday urged the Union government to rein in the Hindutva groups involved in the attacks against minorities. Expressing deep concern over the growing atrocities on minorities, CPI (M)’s Polit Bureau said the Hindutva groups patronized by the governments are emboldened to perpetuate such crimes against minorities. It called upon all its units to observe a day of protest against these attacks.

The Polit Bureau of the CPI (M), which met here on November 13-14, 2021, discussed a range of pressing issues including attacks on minorities.  The meeting took note of the violence in Tripura and misuse of draconian laws against Muslims and attacks on Christian minority. The Polit Bureau accused BJP-led governments at the Center and in states of patronizing Hindutva ultra-groups who perpetuated such crimes.

“It is a matter of great concern that reports of growing attacks against minorities all over the country continue to pour in.  Clearly, rightwing groups patronized by the governments are emboldened to perpetuate such crimes”.

The polit bureau also slammed the government for not protecting the victims.

“The administration, instead of protecting victims, actually punishes them and their supporters with the arrests under draconian laws.  The mob violence in Assam and recently in Tripura happened under the patronage of the state administration, with anyone reporting news of such attacks being booked under UAPA”.

The largest constituent of the Left Front also attacked the Yogi government in Uttar Pradesh for the use of NSA against the Muslims saying it has become commonplace along with numerous “encounters”.

Referring to the namaz issue in Gurgaon, CPI (M) said the fundamental right to offer prayers is being curtailed, as the recent incidents in the NCR, Gurgaon, shown.

It also took note of attacks on Christians and their places of worship.

“Human rights groups recently published a report of 300 incidents of attacks on Christians in the first nine months of 2021.  Such attacks are continuing.  Even FIRs filed are not being acted upon. Many of these belong to dalit and adivasi communities.  Churches have been vandalized,” it said.

It announced that the party units would observe a protest day all over the country against attacks on minorities.

“The Polit Bureau has called upon all its units to observe a day of protest against attacks on minorities that endanger our secular fabric and violate the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution”.

On other issues, the communist party said the Modi government has made a meagre reduction from excise duties on petrol and diesel.

It also criticized the decision of extending the jurisdiction of the Border Security Force upto 50 kilometers from the international border from the earlier 15 kilometers in Punjab, West Bengal and Assam. It is a severe assault on the rights of the states and federalism, a basic feature of our Constitution, the Polit bureau said while demanding its withdrawal.

On the fresh revelations about the Rafale deal, it said the efforts to bury high level corruption involved in the Rafale deal and the cover-up operation are reprehensible.

“While many governments of other countries have in some manner ordered investigations, the Modi government continues to remain obdurate in refusing to conduct such an investigation. This smack of total complicity”.