India's longest musical floating fountains were unveiled at Hussain Sagar in Hyderabad on Thursday, adding to the glitter of the picturesque lake ahead of the Formula E race scheduled on Saturday. Hyderabad, Feb 10,2023: India's longest musical floating fountains were...
Teachers’ scam: WBSSC to soon terminate 800 secondary teachers from service
The West Bengal School Service Commission (WBSSC) will soon terminate 800 illegally-appointed teachers at the secondary level in different state-run schools from service, the commission informed the Calcutta High Court on Thursday. Kolkata, Feb 9,2023: The West Bengal...
Natural fibres popular in 2023
PRASANSHA SAHA New Delhi, Feb 8,2023: The Indian textile industry is one of the most distinctive in the world thanks to ancient skills and cultural traditions. As per IBEF, we are the second largest producer of garments in the world and have a centuries-old textile...
Railway starts ‘Operation Nanhe Farishtey’ to track missing kids
The Indian Railways (IR) has launched an intensive drive, 'Operation Nanhe Farishtey' to track missing kids and prevent child trafficking on the vast railways network, a Western Railway official said here on Tuesday. Mumbai, Feb 7 ,2023: The Indian Railways (IR) has...
Pakhawaj player Dinesh Prasad dies on stage in Lucknow
In a shocking incident, well known Pakhawaj player and UP Sangeet Natak Akademi (UPSNA) awardee Dinesh Prasad, 67, collapsed on stage during his performance at the Sanatkada Festival in Lucknow on Monday evening. Lucknow, Feb 7,2023: In a shocking incident, well known...
Largest zoo of North India to open in Jammu in April
ALTAF HUSSAIN JANJUA Jambu Zoo, located on the Berlab of Srinagar National Highway, a few kilometers away from Jammu, the winter capital of Jammu and Kashmir, will be opened for tourists in April this year. The structure is being constructed on an area of 1200 kanals...
Meet Kashmir’s self-taught abstract artist, who creates leaf portraits
With each passing day, the artists in Jammu and Kashmir continue to showcase their talent at local, as well as the national level; thereby inspiring young generation towards artwork. Srinagar, Jan 22,2023: With each passing day, the artists in Jammu and Kashmir...
India welcomes UNSC’s decision to declare Abdul Rehman Makki global terrorist
India on Tuesday welcomed the decision by the UN Security Council (UNSC) to declare Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Abdul Rehman Makki a global terrorist. New Delhi, Jan 17,2023: India on Tuesday welcomed the decision by the UN Security Council (UNSC) to declare...
WB’s queer rights movement enters 2023 with more public support than ever
Without the active and spontaneous participation of the bigger and extended society, no popular movement has finally touched the success line. Kolkata, Jan 1,2023: Without the active and spontaneous participation of the bigger and extended society, no popular movement...
Kite flyers take to rooftops on ‘Jamghat’
The grounds have shrunk as population has grown but rooftops are still there. Lucknow, Oct 26,2022: The grounds have shrunk as population has grown but rooftops are still there. For kite-flyers, 'Jamghat' festival, this year, has been mostly confined to rooftops. The...