Imam Khomeini is revered as a unique leader in the Muslim world who unequivocally stated, “Quds belongs to the Muslims and must return to them.” Iran is the only country that celebrates Quds Day every year, reaffirming its support for the Palestinian cause. Following Khomeini’s death, his successor, Ali Khamenei, continued this policy, maintaining robust support for Palestinian liberation movements and vocally opposing Zionist-imperialist forces and their allies.
In the wake of Haniyeh’s assassination, a vicious chain of propaganda has emerged on social media, filled with sectarian venom and falsehoods. Some have irresponsibly linked this heinous crime to the tragedy of Karbala, suggesting a parallel that does not stand up to scrutiny. While it remains unclear whether Iran had any involvement in Haniyeh’s killing, what is certain is that the Zionist regime is responsible for this act. Drawing historical parallels, one could argue it’s not clear whether ‘Shiane Ali’ were involved in the martyrdom of Ali, but it is crystal clear that so-called Sunnis killed Hussain and his family. This comparison, although used by propagandists to fan sectarian flames, highlights the dangers of such divisions within the Muslim community.