Arab League Deputy Chief Ahmed bin Hilly

Arab League Deputy Chief Ahmed bin Hilly

Jerusalem (IINA) : Deputy Secretary General of the Arab League Ahmed bin Hilly warned that Israel’s “clumsy” policy in occupied East Jerusalem could cause an uncontrollable religious conflict, Middle East Monitor reported on Wednesday.

“Clumsy Israeli policies in Jerusalem will lead to more tension and conflicts, as well as sow the seeds of an uncontrollable religious conflict,” Bin Hilly said. “Israel puts the whole region on a volcanic crater which is almost exploding,” he added, pointing out that this would have dangerous consequences on the security and stability of the region and the whole world.

Bin Hilly accused the Israeli occupation authorities of “producing factious [religious] stories to justify its settlers’ desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque.”

He said that the settlers’ raids of Al-Aqsa Mosque are “provocative”, warning that more “arbitrary” Israeli measures against Jerusalemites are part of an Israeli plan aiming to reinforce settlements, change the demography and geography of the holy city and isolate it from its Palestinian sphere.

The senior Arab official called on the international community, mainly the UN Security Council, to urgently put an end to Israel’s flagrant aggression and systematic terrorism and crimes against Palestinians.