Chandigarh: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s wife Sunita Kejriwal launched five “Kejriwal’s guarantees” for poll-bound Haryana on Saturday, July 20, promising free electricity, free medical treatment, free education to people, Rs 1,000 per month to every woman in the state, and employment for youngsters.
The Haryana Assembly polls are due later this year.
Besides Sunita Kejriwal, Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann and senior Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leaders Sanjay Singh and Sandeep Pathak were also present during the launch of “Keriwal ki five guarantees” in Panchkula.
The Delhi chief minister, who is also the AAP national convenor, is currently in judicial custody in an excise policy-related case.
The AAP has promised free electricity for the domestic category, the opening of mohalla clinics and free medical treatment, free education, Rs 1,000 per month for every woman in Haryana, and employment for youngsters.
Speaking on the occasion, Singh urged people to ensure that the AAP forms its government in Haryana. He targeted the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government in the state over several issues, including the Agnipath scheme for short-term military recruitment.
The AAP has already said it will contest all 90 Assembly seats in Haryana, claiming that people want change and are looking at it with great hope.
Though the AAP has contested several polls in Haryana, it has yet to taste electoral success in the state.