palestenianRamallah (IINA) – Four Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails have entered into a hunger strike in protest against their administration detention, while a fifth detainee embarked on a hunger strike in protest of being held in solitary confinement, WAFA reported.

Kareem Ajwa, an attorney with the Detainees and Ex-Detainees Commission, said the four detainees, namely Sami Janazreh, Imad Batran, Abdur-Rahim Tawayfeh, and Abdul-Ghani Safadi have recently embarked on a hunger strike in protest of being held under the Israeli administrative detention, without a charge or trial.

The fifth detainee, Nahar Saadi, has also begun a hunger strike to protest of being held in solitary confinement for two years.

There are more some 500 Palestinian detainees being held under administrative detention, a controversial Israeli practice that allows detention of Palestinians without charge or trial for up to six-month intervals that can be renewed indefinitely.

Palestinian detainees have continuously resorted to open-ended hunger strikes as a way to protest their illegal administrative detention and to demand an end to this policy, which violates the international law.