Seminar ALFQH

By Abdul Bari Masoud,

Oachira (Kerala):   The 24th Fiqhi Seminar of the Islamic Fiqh Academy India here at the Darul Uloom-Islamia on Tuesday concluded on a note that organ and blood donations with certain riders are not against the spirit of Islam.  While lauding the efforts of Fiqh Academy, All India Muslim Personal Law Board president Maulana Rabe Hasni Nadvi said it is duty of Ulema and Muftis (jurists) to guide the Ummah on the contemporary Issues in the light of Qura’n and Sunnah.

Passing a number of resolutions and decisions at the concluding session of the three-day seminar on ‘Organ Donation, Rights of Children and Halal and Haram in Food items’, Shariah experts, jurists and scholars were unanimous in their opinion that certain organs ( blood and liver) can be donated with some riders. But they defer the decision on other organ donations for further deliberations.  However, they totally rejected the proposal of building male/ female sperm bank and mother’s milk bank describing it as ‘Haram’ (prohibited).

Ulema and Muftis called the prevailing fertility practice of sperm trading are against the dignity of human life and are morally and physically devastating to the society.

The seminar also passed many resolutions unanimously on child rights, child labour, and publication of Qur’an in Braille code, publication of Qur’an’s old manuscripts, issuing certificate for Halal / Haram Foods, and other contemporary issues.

Presiding the last session, All India Muslim Personal Law Board president Maulana Syed Rabe Hasni Nadvi said that it is the imperative for the Islamic jurists to address the problems and difficulties arising in every age as people, who want to follow Islam and make Shariah the standard guide in all the spheres of life, are confronted with a number of questions for which they seek guidance from theologians. Maulana Rabe also exhorted that the Ummah cannot be divided into pieces as Islam is a complete Deen (religion) andit is obligatory for every Muslim to adhere the Islamic teaching in its entirety.

In his opening remarks, General Secretary of the Fiqh Academy Maulana Khalid Saifullah Rehmani said Academy has been making endeavour to bring ulema and Islamic theologians on one platform to solve the modern issues arising fast changing development and scientific and technological advancement. Highlighting the activities of the Academy, Maulana Rehmani it is the hallmark of the fiqh academy to provide solution of any issue with giving details of it and follows the utmost caution and moderation in giving any decree.  He said Academy so far held  24 grand fiqhi seminars examining more than 116 issues of contemporary nature. “It has become a dynamic platform of leading Islamic jurists of different school of thoughts to sit together for searching solution of modern problems and issues collectively”.

The 3-day seminar which began on Sunday at the lush-green environment on the soil of Kerala ended on a resolve to carry further the deliberations on these issues. More than 500 scholars, jurists, and fresh graduates of Madras took part in the deliberations. There were many participants who came from abroad.