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IUML:Nationwide campaign against union civil code

IUML:Nationwide campaign against union civil code

Indian Union M leage Chennai MeetBy Abdul hafiz lakhani

Chennai:The meeting of the national executive of Indian Union Muslim League was held at Chennai, capital of Tamilnadu for two days recently on 6th and 7th september under the presidentship of former Central minister and President of party Janab E. Ahamed. National general secretary and former MP K.M. Kadar Mohideen was also there .there was a press conference on the second day.

Adressing a press conference EX.Minister Janab E. Ahamed clearly told that new government under Narendra Modi is all out to harm indian constitution and secular ethos of the country. This is RSS  supported government which is getting dictate from Sangh parivar. He exhorted all Muslims and all right thinking people to fight this forces with vigour.

IUML General Secretary and former MP. K.r MOHIDEEN  said that  the  country’s minorities should be rescued from “brahmanical social order” that is supported and imposed by the Union government.The government is propagating brahmanical culture using its political power, he added, expressing IUML’s standpoint.

The Union government is being run by the RSS,He added. . By imposing Surya Namaskar, other yoga practices and Vande Mataram in public institutions, including schools and colleges, the government is imposing Vedic culture on minorities,he said.

Resolutions passed at meeting

It is resolved:

  1. To condemn dangerous perception of the RSS in terming all Indian as Hindus and anyone who resides in India irrespective of his religious affiliation is to be called a Hindu.All though in accordance to Article 25 of our Indian Constitution, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists are therein construed as Hindus, but in accordance to the Presidential Order promulgated in the year 1992 which categorically terms that Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, Parsis, Christians and Muslim as religious minorities. Therefore, this meeting expresses deep-felt contempt of thesemischievous and misleading pronouncements by the Hindutva outfits aswillful and deliberate attempts for their sinister agenda.
  2. That IUML will launch a Nationwide 10 million signatures campaign against imposition of a uniform Civil Code throughout the country and to pressurize the government of India to scrap Article 44 of our constitution which hangs as a permanent threat to the Muslims and other religious minorities.
  3. The constant campaign and false propaganda by the Certain Hindutva forces against Madarsas and minority institutions alleging that these are the centers for the growth of terrorism is only with a malafide motiveof maligning them and to disturb the peaceful coexistence of the communities in the country.
  4. The sanghparivar and some members of Union Government who come out with irresponsible statements and non-issues like gharwapsi, Yoga, Surya Namaskar, chanting of Vandemataram to be termed as mandatory will only help to bring disharmony to the peaceful atmosphere of the country.
  5. It is alarming that the attempt to communilasie and distort the History and education sectors like NCERT & UGC have been communalized and higher education has been safronised.
  6. We condemn the attacks on Churches and Mosques in various parts of the country after the Modi Government came to power. Hundreds of such incidents have been reported so far which is quite alarming.
  7. Recent three days meeting of RSS reviewing the functioning of the Modi Government and the Cabinet Ministers reporting before them is not only against the Oath of Secrecy but also evokes a lacuna of the Constitutional provisions. We will have to bear in mind RSS is an organization which was banned twice before for their anti-national activities.
  8. We call upon the Government of India to adhere to the international conventions on the refugee rights and treat the Rohingiya refugees from Burma in a humanitarian, fair and justified manner. We also urge the people to come forward and provide a helping hand for this deserving refugee community.
  9. This meeting calls upon the people of the nation to not to fall prey to the divisive forces that are actively working in every field to divide the country and the people on the basis of caste, creed and religion for their own personal gains. We urge upon the people of our country to stand united against these evil fascist forces.