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Ease of doing business rated at 4.6: PHD Chamber

Ease of doing business rated at 4.6: PHD Chamber

easeofdoingbusinessNew Delhi, (IANS) In a survey conducted by the PHD Chamber, majority of the respondents have rated the improvement in ease of doing business at 4.6, on a 10 point scale, the chamber said on Wednesday.

The survey was conducted on completion of two years of the Narendra Modi government.

Though the respondents unanimously felt that there has been some improvement in the sentiments for doing business, still there is a long way to go for a visible change to be seen and felt at the ground level, said PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry in a statement.

More than 2,000 responses were received from various businesses including micro, small, medium and large enterprises.

Some parameters including an improvement in the availability of adequate infrastructure (5.6/10) and improvement in investor friendly environment (5.4/10) were rated with high score.