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Adequate food grain stocks in central pool: Paswan

Adequate food grain stocks in central pool: Paswan

ramNew Delhi, (IANS) Food grain stocks available in the central pool are double of the required buffer norms, parliament was told on Tuesday.

“The stock of foodgrains in the central pool as on April 16 this year was 496.12 lakh tons comprising of 282.35 lakh tons of rice and 213.77 lakh tons of wheat as against the net buffer norms of 210.40 lakh tons,” Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Ram Vilas Paswan told the Lok Sabha in a written reply.

Buffer norms indicate that the central pool must hold 210.40 lakh tons of foodgrain comprising 135.80 lakh tons of rice and 74.60 lakh tons of wheat to tackle an emergency situation.