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SESRIC organizing training program on Muslim Friendly Tourism in OIC countries

SESRIC organizing training program on Muslim Friendly Tourism in OIC countries

SESRIC organizing training program on Muslim Friendly Tourism in OIC countriesMalatya : The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), a subsidiary organ of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), is organizing a training program on Muslim Friendly Tourism (MFT), under the theme of “Improving Islamic Tourism Ecosystem in OIC Member Countries: Destination and Industry Development”.

The program, being held in the Turkish historical city of Malatya on July 9-12, includes a two-day training course and two-day study visits in the area. It mainly aims to give participants an exceptional opportunity to learn how to develop a sound Islamic tourism destination and industry in their countries. The training course is being provided by experts from the Islamic Tourism Centre of Malaysia (ITC).

During the two days dedicated to the field visit, participants will have the chance to acquire practical experience in developing a competitive tourism destination based on the Turkish experience. Whilst, during the study visits, participants will explore the opportunities for Malatya to be an Islamic tourism destination and will make an analysis for the city in order to guide policymakers to be better informed about the potentials and challenges of the city on this important tourism field. Moreover, industry development priorities are expected to be identified at the end of the study visits.

The training program is a part of a project funded by the OIC Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation (COMCEC), under the COMCEC Project Funding (CPF) scheme, aimed at strengthening the capacities of the Ministries of Tourism and Culture of the OIC countries and foster further development of the Muslim Friendly Tourism through capacity development training, exchange of experience and know-how, as well as by identifying a roadmap for Islamic Tourism Destination.

Malatya, located in east-central Turkey, has been selected as a case study due to its historic and cultural potential going back to the Ottoman and Seljuk Empires that ensures a unique opportunity for the participants to study the city as a case of MFT destination and industry development.

This program is a continuation of the project entitled “Training Program on the Development and Promotion of Muslim Friendly Tourism in COMCEC Member Countries” that was implemented by SESRIC in 2017, within the COMCEC Project Funding scheme.

The funding is provided in a form of a grant by the Turkish government through the Development Bank of Turkey, which is one of the main bodies in the COMCEC Project Funding scheme. Several SESRIC projects have been financed by this funding scheme since 2014.