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National Level Entrance Exams for Diploma in English for Madrasa Graduates in Deoband on 21 and 23 March

National Level Entrance Exams for Diploma in English for Madrasa Graduates in Deoband on 21 and 23 March

The national level entrance exam for post madrasa Diploma in English Language and Literature (DELL) conducted by MMERC, Mumbai in Deoband last year.

The national level entrance exam for post madrasa Diploma in English Language and Literature (DELL) conducted by MMERC, Mumbai in Deoband last year.

By Maeeshat news,

Mumbai : Markazul Ma’arif Education and Research Centre (MMERC) announced the dates for the national level entrance exam for fresh madrasa graduates who wish to seek admission in the two-year Diploma in English Language and Literature (DELL) course for the batch 2019-21. In a press statement Maulana Mohammad Burhanuddin Qasmi, Director of MMERC, Mumbai stated that the written and spoken tests are scheduled on 21 and 23 March 2019, corresponding to14 and 16 Rajab, 1440 AH on Thursday and Saturday. The exams will be held at Heera Garden, Qasimpura Road, Near Eidgah in Deoband, (UP).

The press statement further detailed that the written exam will be held on Thursday and only those who passed it will be called to appear for the spoken exam on Saturday. Those candidates will be selected who have scored better combining both – the written and the spoken – exams for different MMERC affiliated branches across India.

Maulana MB Qasmi also said that this year the entrance exam would be for seven MMERC affiliated institutions from different states of India for a total 150 seats. Out of these 150, 30 at Markazul Ma’arif Education and Research Centre (MMERC), Mumbai, 10 at Markaz-e Islami Education and Research Centre (MIERC), Ankleshwar, Gujarat, 10 at Jamia Islamia Jalalia, Hojai, Assam, 25 at Al-Mahad Al-Ali Al-Islami, Hyderabad, 20 at Markaz Waliullah Education and Research Centre (MWERC), Haridwar, Uttarakhand, 30 at Markaz Ihyail Fikril Islami (MIFI), Muzaffarabad, Saharanpur, UP and 25 at Madni Foundation for Education, Research and Development (MFERD), Kashipur, Kolkata.

It is note worthy that MMERC is the first of its kind and a unique institution in the world for post madrasa education, established by Maulana Badruddin Ajmal in 1994, as part of Ajmal CSR initiative, where a two-year DELL course was introduced to impart quality English language education to madrasa graduates. Following the success of the DELL course a dozen plus other institutions in India have also started the same curriculum in their environs, eight among them are directly affiliated to MMERC, Mumbai this day.

MMERC covers a raft of subjects such as English language and literature, computer and communication, sociology, journalism, general studies and comparative studies of religions. The students are also exposed to interactive talks by experts on various important topics such as on science, arts, commerce, politics and other branches of learning and humanities so that upcoming ulama (madrasa graduates) are fully prepared to cope with present requirements and serve the country and the community better.

At MMERC, Mumbai and all its affiliated institutions in India teaching as well as lodging and food are free for the selected students, said Maulana Muddassir Ahmad Qasmi, national coordinator of DELL.

Maulana Burhanuddin Qasmi also went on to explain that MMERC holds a competitive type of objective and subjective exam for madrasa graduates every year where students are tested in various fields of Islamic knowledge such as Qur’an, its exegesis, hadith, fiqh, Arabic language and literature, as also their proficiency in writing in Arabic and Urdu and their awareness of general knowledge is tested. A candidate’s own ability and merit is the only criterion for getting selection at his chosen institution. Only those who have passed graduation from any madrasa in India can apply to sit for this exam, reads the press release.

Application forms with prospectus will be available at Students’ Coaching Centre, Qasimpura Road, Near Indra Park, Deoband and at all Centres. The same can also be downloaded freely from from 7 March, 2019 onwards. The last date for application submission at Deoband is 19 March, 2019.