5th Micro and Small Business Summit in Mumbra Concluded

5th Micro and Small Business Summit in Mumbra Concluded

Mumbra JIH Business SummitMumbra: The 5th Micro and Small Business Summit on Import Export was successfully organized by RIFAH Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) Mumbra on Sunday, the 9th April at Diamond Hall, Kausa Mumbra. In this one day summit more than 1000 people attended in which  400 are Registered Importer Exporters along with other 2000 micro & small entrepreneurs and knowledge gatherers, students and businessmen etc.

The summit focused on government schemes for importing & exporting goods & products, using E-commerce sites like eBay, Alibaba etc importing, exporting industrial products in national & international market that is helpful for micro & small scale business and given explanation about usage of internet and social networking sites like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Web portals etc can play a key role to develop the business in domestic as well as international market.

ashraf at Mumbra Business Summit

Seminar sessions on various government schemes for existing and beginner entrepreneurs were conducted. APEDA’s Mr. C.B.Singh (Assistance General Manager Western Region) told Apeda has 54% of total sale from India. Apeda is Indian number one platform dealing in Agri food. If we work in an organised and standard way than finding an opportunities is just a mere task. Apeda is working on subsidy’s to replicate it further. Apeda also have Scheme to avoid international custom chaṛge. Halal is Standard which we only thing deals with Meat rather its Has vast network within Itself. We highlight on data so as make supplier understand and set good market Strategy accordingly.. He ga ve details on how Mumbra businessmen and entrepreneurs can advance their businesses by registering their companies, which provides assistance with startups, training, sale and exports.

e-Commerce site eBay & Alibaba representatives gave knowledge about registration, its benefits and tools & technique for importing & exporting their industrial products on their websites by giving demo.

Mr Ashraf Muhammadi of Rehbar Financial consultant Pvt. Ltd. gave explanation on Interest  Free Islamic Banking and the benefits one can avail from it. They offer both services- investment opportunities for investors and business loans to the Mumbra businessmen. “Interest free banking brings investors and businessmen closer and both are benefitted”, averred Mr Ashraf. There are few gaps which rehbar is trying to fill up: Finance structure, Investors management, Investment monitoring, SWOT analysis, etc. Rehbar has a team how continuously work to nullify interest under sharia compliance.

Mr V.S. Ravi(International Head of Indo Africa Chamber of Commerce) told there is Opportunities In Africa: very important thing is to understand the trading countries requirements, size of market, consumption and usage. Key competitive factors is to look into the demand and the margins, be very specific in your calculations, payment system prevailing, line up credit, etc

Mumbra Business Young & Successful Entrepreneurs Award were given to 5 Mumbraites. They told their success stories based in Mumbra & their 10 to 15 years of struggle. This kind of event was aimed at cleaning Mumbra of the tag of an underdeveloped suburb and help entrepreneurs set up industries highlighting the fact that Mumbra has a huge logistic hub close by in Bhiwandi and an MIDC in Taloja-Mahape belt and can be accessed by two national highways.

Keeping in mind the Import Export Business Summit we have kept very limited stalls for exhibition. Stalls are for those who gave services to Import Export business such as E-Export Import Business to Consumer (eBay), e-Export Import Business to Business (Alibaba), A 2 Z  Business Documentation Maker(SHOP ACT,VAT TAX,SALES TAX,PANCARD, etc – Noble Associate),  Import Export Code Provider, Digital Signature(DSE) Provider, Legal Advisor(CA) of NSRS & Co., Logistics and Air Ticketing Tours & Travels, Interest Free Finance Consultancy(RAHBAR), Islamic Finance Bait un Nasr Co-operative bank,

It was a win-win deal for both- the exhibitors service providers as well the visitors, many of whom were astonished to witness the high level of knowledge imparted in this. Indeed, as previous such summits have shown, budding businessmen get to learn about new avenues and opportunities here, allowing them to expand and strengthen their enterprises.

Mr. Mauzam Asre(President-JIH Mumbra) told that apart from being directly beneficial to the business class, such programs also serve to highlight the wide spectrum of Islam- that it is not merely confined to masajids, but is here to solve the issues of all mankind. Speaking to this scribe, he called upon other units and organizations to emulate such programmes.

“Media need to be sensitized for social harmony”

“Media need to be sensitized for social harmony”

P.S. Sharda, Supreme Court lawyer (speaing), Anil Chamadia, Hatosh Singh Bal, Prabhu Chawla, Mohammad Salim Engineer, Amrita Rai

P.S. Sharda, Supreme Court lawyer (speaing), Anil Chamadia, Hatosh Singh Bal, Prabhu Chawla, Mohammad Salim Engineer, Amrita Rai (Photo:Maeeshat)

By Mumtaz Alam,

New Delhi: Senior journalists have criticized attempts by some TV news channels and newspapers to standardize on thought on issues in the name of nationalism. While agreeing that there should a self-regulation in the media and nothing should be imposed from outside, they advocated that media should care about its social obligations also.

“On some issues, there are strong attempts to create one opinion. There are attempts to standardize one thought on issues like Pakistan and Kashmir,” said veteran journalist and Political Editor of Hindustan Times Vinod Sharma. He was speaking at a symposium on “Role of Media in Promoting Social Harmony” here at Constitution Club on Saturday.

“Media persons handling real-time information are not trained to deal with such situation. Real-time information has to be treated with utmost care. There is a need for a certain degree of debate within the media about its role vis a vis society,” said Sharma.

He was also critical of the media for relying on police version during communal violence.

“During communal riots, media generally relies on police version which is not always 24-carat gold. It is a mixed item. Media should be true to its responsibilities, should care about its language and social obligations,” he said.

Hartosh Singh Bal, Political Editor of Caravan magazine, said a section of media is dividing the society, rather than uniting it.

“Of late, a section of media has started dividing the society, rather than uniting it. We have seen it in JNU case, Pakistan issue and during communal riots. It provoked people and riot. Media should speak truth howsoever hard it is,” said Hartosh.

Speaking at the program organized by Jamaat-e-Islami Hind at the conclusion of its 15-day “Peace & Humanity Campaign,” Rajya Sabha TV Anchor Amrita Rai said media is not giving much space to the deprived classes.

“Media does not give space to depressed classes. Media is suffering with ideological lobbying. People of the other lobby are projected as ones against development and nationalism,” she said.

However, she praised media for its positive role in the Kairana and Una cases.

“Media played positive role in the Kairana case when news flashed on social media about alleged migration of Hindus from the Muslim-dominated district of Uttar Pradesh. Media went there on the ground and exposed the lies. It played a positive role in Una case also,” she said.

“But when it comes to Muslim youths, Kashmir or triple talaq, media has not played positive role. In cases of Kashmir or Muslim youths, we get swayed with nationalism and patriotism,” she said.

Representing the Urdu press, SQR Ilyas, Editor, Afkar-e Milli Urdu monthly stressed defining the role of media. He said a section of media is promoting hate speakers.

“Some forces want to promote division in the society on the basis of religion, language and caste. Some political parties also want polarization and they don’t care for the loss of the society. A section of media is also promoting such forces that want to demolish peace and communal harmony. Sensational things and clashes are being given much space in the media,” said Ilyas.

“There is a need to define the role of media; in fact, media should set its own role and responsibility for the society,” he added.

Other eminent journalists who spoke included Prabhu Chawla, Editorial Director of The New Indian Express and Anil Chamadia, Editor of Mass Media and Jan Media journals.

In his presidential remarks, Mohammad Salim Engineer, Secretary General of Jamaat said that readers of newspapers and viewers of TV channels also have a role and responsibility to keep the media on track.

“Our role is to keep media on track. We should provide correct information to the media, we should develop relations with them. Many wrong reporting are due to wrong information but we assume such things are being deliberately propagated,” he said.

“There are indeed good people in the media and we have to reach out to them. To promote social harmony, there could be important role of media and we should execute our duties vis a vis media. We can improve the situation with the support of media. We should also make correct use of social media,” he said.


Courtesy: IndiaTomorrow.net