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German companies in India to be fast tracked

German companies in India to be fast tracked

germany chanslor modiNew Delhi:(IANS) India and Germany on Monday inked 18 MoUs, including on setting up a fast-track system for German companies in India and on security cooperation, following talks here between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Prime Minister,Narendra Modi with the German Chancellor, Dr. Angela Merkel, at the Joint Press Briefing, at Hyderabad House, in New Delhi

Prime Minister,Narendra Modi with the German Chancellor, Dr. Angela Merkel, at the Joint Press Briefing, at Hyderabad House, in New Delhi

Among the 18 agreements inked are: Promotion of German as a foreign language in India and the Promotion of Modern Indian Languages in Germany; a Summary Record of the Negotiations on Development Cooperation between India and Germany; a MoU on Indo-German Development Cooperation Regarding the Indo-German Solar Energy Partnership; on  cooperation in the Field of Skill Development and Vocational Education and Training.

A MoU between the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Federal Ministry of the Interior of Germany on Security Cooperation; between India’s civil aviation ministry and the Federal Ministry of the Interior of Germany on Aviation Security; on Cooperation in the Field of Disaster Management was also inked.

Another MoU was between their science and technology ministries on extension of the tenure of the Indo-German Science and Technology Centre (IGSTC) and another one for Indo-German Partnerships in Higher Education (IGP).

One was a joint declaration of Intent between the Indian Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, (MoA&FW), and the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) of Germany on Plant Protection Products.

Both also inked a Joint Declaration of Intent on the further Development of Cooperation in the Field of Railways; plus an MoU on cooperation in the field of manufacturing.

A Joint Announcement on setting up a Fast-Track system for German companies in India was also inked.

Both sides issued a joint declaration on continuation of cooperation in the field of advanced training of corporate executives and junior executives from India.

Both sides issued a Joint Statement of Intent on Cooperation in Food Safety, between the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) and the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).

A MoU was inked between the German Agribusiness Alliance and Agriculture Skill Council of India (ASCI) on Cooperation in Agricultural Studies.

A Letter of Intent was inked between the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (DST), the Council for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings (Council), and the Foundation Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings (Foundation) on supporting participation of Indian young scientists in Natural Sciences for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings.