GEAC changes stance on GM mustard, says decision is pending further review
New Delhi : The Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) appears to have changed its stance on the commercial cultivation of DMH-11, the genetically-modified (GM) mustard hybrid developed by a team of Delhi University scientists led by geneticist Deepak Pental.
The minutes of the May 11, 2017 meeting uploaded on its website say “subsequent to receipt of various representations from different stakeholders, matters related to environmental release of transgenic mustard are kept pending for further review”.
This is in reversal of the decision taken by GEAC which had apparently recommended approval of DMH-11 for commercial cultivation. The GEAC is a body constituted under the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MOEFCC).
On the evening of the last meeting on May 11, GEAC chairperson Amita Prasad had said that the committee had examined the various representations it had received and had decided to recommend approval of DMH-11 for commercial cultivation. She said 21 of the 26 members were present when the decision was taken. The recommendation was initially for four years with a condition for post-release monitoring. “No government will put its people to risk,” Prasad had added.
When contacted, B. Sesikaran, another member who was present at the meeting, said the GEAC had in fact recommended approval. But being an appraisal committee and not an approval committee, it was for the environment minister to take a final decision. He said he did not know what had happened subsequently.
On May 27, the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) — formed and run by agriculture scientists — wrote a letter to the Prime Minister urging the government to accept the recommendation of the GEAC and allow the environmental release of the two transgenic parental lines and hybrid DMH-11 “at the earliest.”
A report by NAAS scientists aimed at “rebutting falsehoods perpetrated by GM technology bashers on GM mustard”, also indicated the changed stance of the GEAC. It had said that its general body had passed a resolution on June 5, “supporting the decision of the GEAC recommending environmental (commercial) release of GM mustard hybrid DMH-11 and its parental lines.”
The NAAS resolution had asked for “immediate” endorsement of the GEAC approval by the central and state governments “so that the coming growing season can be fully utilised for the multiplication of parental lines and production of hybrid seed… thus allowing this technology to be available to farmers soon at a low-cost, and to breeders, to develop better and better hybrids in future.”
The decision in the uploaded minutes appears to be clearly an afterthought, because it anticipates representations from various stakeholders.
When contacted, K Veluthambi, who headed GEAC’s subcommittee which examined the bio-safety dossier on DMH-11 and summarized it for public comments, said the job of GEAC members was over after they had made the recommendation. When asked if this meant that they had in fact made the recommendation he said “confidentiality demands that I do not say anymore.”
A July 31 release of the Press Information Bureau says “GM Mustard and Bt Brinjal have been recommended by GEAC to Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India for consideration for environmental release and cultivation.” The release was about a reply to a question on GM mustard in the Rajya Sabha.
On May 11, Kavita Kuruganti, who runs an NGO and is opposed to GM foods, had tweeted: “Shamelessly unscientific & irresponsible. GEAC clears HT GM mustard. V condemn this & Urge Minister to b responsible.”
On May 15, Kuruganti made a Facebook appeal to �Act Now, Call PMO to Save Our Food, Farms & Farmers.’ The office numbers of the private, principal and additional secretaries to the Prime Minister were appended for callers to register their opposition. She had added an “urgency” to her appeal saying “there is reliable information that the MOEFCC would approve GM mustard for commercial cultivation today.”
The MOEFCC was then headed by Anil Madav Dave, who passed away on May 18. Harsh Vardhan, who later assumed charge of the ministry had made wishy-washy comments on GM mustard. He said there were arguments to be made both for and against GM crops, ignoring the ministry’s own affidavit in the Supreme Court and its replies in Parliament that GM mustard has been found to be safe.
At a recent book release ceremony Vardhan praised his predecessor Jairam Ramesh of the Congress Party for his decision on Bt brinjal. Ramesh had exercised his authority as minister and overruled the GEAC’s recommendation for approval of Bt brinjal.
The GEAC’s original decision would have put the onus on Vardhan to take a decision. The uploaded minutes seem to be a change of stance keeping in view the minister’s stand.
(Vivian Fernandes is editor of www.smartindianagriculture.in. He may be reached at vivianfernandesonly@gmail.com)