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Gandhian philosophy can help for growth of Indian Economy : Tushar Gandhi, the Great Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhian philosophy can help for growth of Indian Economy : Tushar Gandhi, the Great Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi

ARISE – a new propeller for India’s Growth

“Need for a low Tax framework ”– Dr Ajit Ranade

By Maeeshat News,

CII organized Seminar on ARISE: Accountability, Reforms, Innovation, Sustainability and Employment, the initiative of CII western region to ARISE for the nation. It is in line with the India@75 movement which is a vision towards building a Vibrant and Prosperous India. The Session was inaugurated by Mr Tushar Arun Gandhi, the Great Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi and Trustee to the Gandhi Peace Foundation.

Speaking on the aspects of ARISE, Mr Tushar Gandhi, spoke on social welfare and economic equality. He further added that there is lack of awareness amongst people with regards to prevailing welfare policies. Also urged industries to follow the known Gandhian philosophy of ethical business practices.

“Need for a low Tax framework” – Dr Ajit Ranade, Chief Economist and President, Aditya Birla Group, Further Dr. Ranade added that low tax framework will not only add more tax payers but also help in elimination tax frauds. Developing a modern tax regime will help in collecting a bigger kitty for social reforms.

Mr Piruz Kambhatta, Chairman, CII Maharashtra Western Region Council, & Chairman & Managing Director, Rasna Pvt Ltd gave a wonderful message on Accountability by quoting Mahatma Gandhi “Welfare of the Society is not just a responsibility of the Government alone but of Businessmen too”.

“India can be the food factory of the world “ – Mr B.Thiagarajan, Chairman CII Maharashtra State Council & Joint MD, Blue Star Ltd. Adding on the Accountability & employment aspect of ARISE, he further spoke about the role of govt to act as facilitator in Ease of Doing Business today’s business house are very well understand their responsibility towards the society.

Mr Shailesh Haribhakti, Fellow Chartered Accountant & Chairman, DH consultants & Managing Partner Haribhakti & Co, spoke about a common platform for checking the creditability of worthy MSMEs He further added that the greatest advantage of India is the capacity to deliver any services. The political & legal systems should operate in such a way that the right data falls in right hands.

The inaugaural session was followed by a Session themed Panel discussion which probed deep into each aspect of the ARISE theme through Industry Champions in each sector.

Mr Anirman Ghosh, Chief Sustainability Officer, Mahindra & Mahindra, was of the opinion “India is Shining” but the only problem is proper usage of funds & resources. Land, Labour & Capital needs to be managed efficiently and at optimum levels.

Gandhian philosophy can help for growth of Indian Economy : Tushar Gandhi, the Great Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi

Prof. Y.S. Rajan, Indian Professor, Scientist & administrator & Honorary distinguished professor in ISRO. Quoted that one cannot have a common solution for all problems. One single solution cannot to used to across the pyramid. ‘Innovation is not a subject of just having young vibrant minds, it is about asking the right questions at the correct time’ – said Prof Y S Rajan at the CII Seminar on ARISE.

The seminar on ARISE, CII Western Region Theme for 2018 – 2019, organised at the Mayfair Banquet, on 12 November 2018, Mumbai and was well accepted by the industry and Academia alike, with a good participation and a very interactive Q&A session where they pondered on the issues of Accountability, Sustainability and innovation.