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“Lot done on inclusion, graft – now Start Up and Stand Up”

“Lot done on inclusion, graft – now Start Up and Stand Up”


Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi addressing the Nation on the occasion of 69th Independence Day from the ramparts of Red Fort, in Delhi on August 15, 2015

Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi addressing the Nation on the occasion of 69th Independence Day from the ramparts of Red Fort, in Delhi on August 15, 2015

New Delhi:(IANS) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday  promised steps to provide funds for start-ups, electricity in 18,500  villages in 1,000 days and a refashioned Ministry of Agriculture and  Farmer Welfare to reflect the spirit of the intention.

Addressing the nation on its 69th Independence Day, Modi also listed key  initiatives of his 15-month government in the area of curbing black  money, financial inclusion, fighting graft and inducing transparency, and  said true economic progress must touch the bottom of the pyramid.

He said the country’s youth be given opportunities and support to become  entrepreneurs in their own right, notably the deprived. “In the coming  days, start-ups will be promoted in every corner of the country. Start up India, Stand up India,” the prime minister said.

“All banks in our country must contribute to a start-up revolution. Each  of the 125,000 bank branches must assist one Dalit or one Adivasi  entrepreneur and one woman entrepreneur. They must also become  entrepreneurs in the future.”

The prime minister said a lot had been done in the area of financial  inclusion in the past year, and gave the example of his Jan Dhan Yojana,  under which some 17 crore people have got bank accounts. Also, 10 crore people enrolled social security schemes in 100 days.

He said people thought that these zero-balance accounts will serve  little purpose, but to everyone’s pleasant surprise some Rs.20,000 crore  have been depsited into them. “If this richness of the poor was not  there, such a feat would no have been possible.”

He said the doors of banking system were closed for the poor. “But this  has to change. We wanted to strengthen financial inclusion,” he said.  “Bank accounts are essential for integrating the poor into the financial  system. That’s what we have done.”

The prime minister also said no person wants to remain poor and those  who live in poverty want to move away to achieved a better quality of  life. “That is why, all our programmes must be for the poor.” He also  said inflation was controlled despite poor rains.

Modi also said that not a single charge of graft against his government  had come to light in the past 15 months and promised a corruption-free  India. “Corruption is like termites. It is every where. I will deliver on my promise of a corruption-free India.”

The prime minister said a host of steps had also been taken by his  government to tackle the menace of black money — from the appointment of a special probe team to enacting a strict law to prevent such practices and punish its perpetrators.

Giving an example, he said, against 800 cases of black money being  probes by the Central Bureau of Investigation when he took over in May  last year, 1,800 fresh cases had been added.

“Many people did not like this,” he said, adding this had to be done and  already Rs.6,500 crore had been collected from people who had begun to  declare their ill-gotten assets.

Modi said the day after he took over the country’s reins, a Special  Investigation Team, as directed by the Supreme Court, was formed to probe cases of black money. Within a year, a stringent legislation to deal with this issue was also enacted.

“Even at the G20 meeting, I raised the issue and we have been promised  cooperation.”

The prime minister said every action that was taken by the government in  the award of licences and contracts was done in a transparent manner, be  it in the auction of coal blocks, telecom spectrum or FM licences.

While the previous government was faulted for causing a loss of  Rs.176,000 crore by giving away coal blocks, his government conducted  auctions in a transparent and time-bound manner and raised Rs.300,000  crore, Modi said. “Ask yourself. Has corruption gone or not?”

He said he had also faced a lot of pressure against the transparent  processes such as on the e-auction of private FM Radio channels. But he  did not yield.

“People said radio concerns the common man. I was pressured,” he said, alluding to calls for giving away the licences cheap. But the transparent process evoked a lot of interest and the 85 channels that were on the block fetched Rs.1,000 crore to the exchequer.

He said the new Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare will address the needs of the farmers in a much more focused way. While calling for a restructured agriculture practices, Modi expressed worry over shrinking farmland and paucity of power and water there.

He said the twin-motto must be: “Save Water, Save Fertilizer” and “Per  Drop More Crop”.

Using the term “Team India” a number of times to indicate a united  nation, Modi said people were also willing to contribute in their own  way. As an example, he said, some 20 lakh people had given up their  cooking gas subsidy on mere asking.