Angels of Hazrat Nizamuddin

Angels of Hazrat Nizamuddin

Mumtaz Alam | New Delhi

These are some young men of Hazrat Nizamuddin Basti in New Delhi who are nothing less than angels for people in the area. From sanitizing the whole neighbourhood and providing poor families with free food for over two months to opening a Rs 5-clinic, these young men have done several noble works under an informal banner ‘Youth of Hazrat Nizamuddin’ in the last six months.

Last month, a horseman had come to the area with his horse to get horseshoe. The horse accidentally got electrocuted. The ‘Youth of Hazrat Nizamuddin’ collected support from the local residents and bought an e-rickshaw for the poor horseman so that he could earn livelihood.

Giving details about the ‘Youth of Hazrat Nizamuddin’ and its activities, Shaikh Jilani, the brain behind the initiative, told Inclusive India: “This is an informal group, not a registered NGO. We formed it when the first lockdown was announced in the last week of March. We were three friends in the beginning. Gradually, more people joined us.”

Shaikh Jilani (R) handing over key of e-rickshaw to horseman

Shaikh Jilani (R) handing over key of e-rickshaw to horseman

Distributed Food Among 1600 People For 81 Days During Lockdown

“We started our work with distributing free food among the poor families in Hazrat Nizamuddin Basti. I am in-charge of the local historical Langar Khana. It is my family heritage. So we had resources like utensils, stove and other things. We started cooking food there and distributed among the people during the lockdown. Gradually, many more people came up and joined us. During the lockdown we cooked and distributed food at the doorsteps of 1600 people daily for 81 days,” said Jilani.

Coca Cola Foundation had made a documentary on their humanitarian work.

When the Coronavirus-driven lockdown was eased gradually and people began going to work for earning, the group stopped cooking and distributing food. However, rather than disbanding the group, they decided to continue it for other welfare work for the people.

Members of Youth of Hazrat Nizamuddin sanitized entire neighbourhood in Delhi several times during lockdown

Members of Youth of Hazrat Nizamuddin sanitized entire neighbourhood in Delhi several times during lockdown

Recently, some houses were demolished in Jagatpuri area by the government authorities after the court order. Members of the group provided food to the residents there. They also installed a portable toilet there for ladies.

Donated E-Rickshaw to Horseman

In September, a horseman from Paharganj area had come to Hazrat Nizamuddin Basti for some work. His horse got electrocuted and died. The animal was his only source of livelihood. The ‘Youth of Hazrat Nizamuddin’ came up and extended their support to him.

“We first tried to get support from concerned government department, but we failed. Then we collected money from among ourselves and other local residents. Some staffers of electricity company also personally contributed some amount. With the fund, we bought a new e-rickshaw in Rs 1.1 lakh and gave it to the horseman so that he could earn and run his family,” said Jilani.

Rs 5-Clinic

Last month, the group opened a homeopathic clinic for poor families. They get medicine for one week in just Rs 5.

“We opened the homeopathic clinic about one month ago. A homeopathic doctor friend from UP Dr Anwar Khurshid offered to give one day in Delhi to see patients for free. We arranged a place and medicine and thus we began that clinic. It opens on Wednesday and Thursday. People need to give only Rs 5 for one-week medicine,” said Jilani.

Syed Farid Ahmed Nizami, President of Dargah Hazrat Nizamuddin Committee, inaugurating the homeopathic clinic

The clinic was inaugurated by President of Dargah Hazrat Nizamuddin Committee Syed Farid Ahmed Nizami and Syed Nazim Ali Nizami.

During the lockdown, members of the group sanitized the entire Hazrat Nizamuddin Basti several times.

The neighbourhood has the mazaar of 13th century sufi saint Khwaja Hazrat Nizamuddin (1238-1325). Lakhs of people visit the mazaar every year to pay their obeisance. The headquarters of Tablighi Jamaat is also located there.

Inclusive India