Indian developers embrace Cloud-native software stacks: Oracle

Indian developers embrace Cloud-native software stacks: Oracle

OracleBengaluru : As Indian enterprises look to embrace Cloud-driven solutions, the thriving developers’ community is increasingly preferring open, container native technologies for rapid application development and deployment.

The container-native platform enables DevOps teams to build, deploy and operate container-based microservices and serverless applications, using open source tools.

As developers understand the need to move fast, build for the Cloud but retain the flexibility to run where the business or workloads require, there is more leaning towards open source based, community driven technology stack to avoid cloud lock-in, the company said in a statement.

The company organised the second edition of its “Oracle Code” event here where developers attended keynotes, technical sessions and hands-on labs experience.

“In the Cloud economy, businesses are always searching for innovative ways to increase their developer velocity and agility to accelerate digital transformation,” said Ravi Pinto, Director-Product Management, Oracle Cloud Platform.

“Developers are increasingly preferring open, cloud-neutral and community-driven container-native software stacks that enable them to avoid cloud lock-in and to run in a true hybrid mode — so they can use the same stack in the Cloud — for that matter on any Cloud — as they run on-premises,” Pinto explained.

“Oracle Code” enables developers get hands-on view into emerging technologies and techniques for modern Cloud development.

According to Oracle, key trends witnessed in the Indian developer ecosystem include conversational user interface, serverless computing, containers and microservices and Blockchain.

“There has never been a better time to grow Java skills for the developer community. Java remains the top choice for companies capable of handling traditional and new styles of programming,” the company said.