Nexus Technologies organizes Android training program for underprivileged youths

Nazir Ahmed, CMD Nexus Technologies distributing certificates among participants (Photo:Maeeshat)
Nazir Ahmed, CMD Nexus Technologies distributing certificates among participants (Photo:Maeeshat)

By Maeeshat Correspondent,

Bengaluru, Aug 3: With an aim to empower youths from the weaker sections with modern-time skills, the Nexus Technologies organized a week-long training program in mobile platform Android.

“In today’s fast-paced world of information technology and automation, the need for youth to be skilled in cutting-edge technologies is imperative. The youth coming from weaker sections and poor families are most often at several disadvantages since they do not get the opportunities to skill themselves,” said Nazir Ahmed, CMD Nexus Technologies.

Nexus Technologies Pvt Ltd workshop on Android development (Photo:Maeeshat)
Nexus Technologies Pvt Ltd workshop on Android development (Photo:Maeeshat)

Android is a leading mobile platform with many opportunities for the youth in the form of jobs and for those aspiring to embark on an Entrepreneurship journey.

It is in this context that Nexus Technologies Pvt Ltd organized the workshop on Android development for one week. It was completely free of cost for youths of economically weaker sections.

“As many as 25 students from different states including Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka participated in the workshop and benefited from the training,” Ahmed said.

Upbeat with the success of the program, he announced: “Insha Allah we will take this training program to other districts as well.”


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