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ISESCO signs agreement to disseminate Prophet’s biography

by | May 25, 2021

Cooperation agreement between ISESCO and Assalamu ‘Alaika Ayyuha Annabi World Humanistic Project.

Cooperation agreement between ISESCO and Assalamu ‘Alaika Ayyuha Annabi World Humanistic Project.

Rabat (IINA) : Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) Dr. Abdulaziz Altwaijri and General Supervisor of the Assalamu ‘Alaika Ayyuha Annabi World Humanistic Project Dr. Nasser Al-Zahrani on Wednesday signed an agreement at ISESCO’s headquarters here to initiate cooperation between their respective institutions in education, culture, communication and dissemination of the biography of the Prophet (PBUH) in world languages.

Through this agreement, the parties seek to contribute to the World Campaign for the Publishing and Distribution of Dr. Nasser Al-Zahrani’s “Al-Sira Al-Nabawiya fi Daqa’iq” [Prophet Muhammad’s Biography in Minutes] in different languages, using modern technological multimedia.

In the same vein, programs and activities will be organized with the aim of publicizing the Prophet’s biography in the Islamic world and beyond.

The agreement also provides for enhancing cooperation between the two parties by the organization of several symposia, meetings and training sessions in fields of common interest, especially in education, science, culture and communication.

It also provides for the organization of a mobile exhibition as part of the project in the cities to be celebrated as Islamic culture capitals every year; the establishment of specialized academic chairs in FUIW member universities; the organization of TV contests in oration, poetry and religious chanting; in addition to training sessions for media and communication staff in the Islamic world, in cooperation with Assalamu ‘Alaika Ayyuha Annabi TV channel, and through specialized institutions and centres.


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